imajat or imajadh tribes
imajat or imajadh tribes 11977
It is a branch of Sanhaja, and it used to settle before moving to different regions of Morocco on the banks of the Moulouya River between “Tunfit” and “Midelt”. Then the Magatayun dispersed and settled in different parts of Morocco. Al-Hamra in the Moroccan Sahara" and the small Atlas that interests us, where it was administratively affiliated to the Ifrane powers in colonialism and in independence when it belonged to the Agadir region, and likewise, I committed adultery before Ifrane returned to Guelmim, and today it belongs to the Sidi Ifni region.
The Amjad tribe is located in the southwest of the Small Atlas, bordered to the north by Idosmlal, Ait Ofaqa and Idoubaqil, to the south by Ifrane, Ait Harbil, to the east by Ait Abdallah Said, to the west by Ait El Rakhaa, Awlad Jarrar and Tazerwalt. A sprawling tribe. The tribe consists of a group of thighs, "small tribes" of Majad, and the name Tazlami is often added to it, which means "azlam", meaning "it has lost its peel". The origin and conditions of its stability in the current field.

And it is evident from the map of the Majat tribe, which surrounds Tazerwalt in the form of an arc to protect it from the attacks of the Harbelites. Also, the contribution of Majat in building the Zawiya of Sidi Ahmed Amoussi and its keenness to supply it made the latter take its opinion in the management of Shawn Zawiya and the affairs of the ancient scientific school in it. Sidi Ahmed Amosi is one of the tenths every year after harvesting the agricultural crop, and this habit continues, as well as the corner bowls. Likewise, what is known as “Nitrbeet”, which is a contribution of flour that is carried to the corner and distributed to the poor among the residents of the region, i.e. the month of January according to the Amazigh calendar, and what is called “Al-Fitr Night Ileg”, but this is no longer used by him and “Al-Fitr Night Ben Nasser” for Al-Zawiya Al-Nasiriyah Bifran. It is believed that it is a kind of "royalty" that Majat kindly paid after its siege of Ileg and the intervention of the French civil pilgrim to lift this siege.?!
imajat or imajadh tribes 1--638
Amjad had a power and influence in political events, its military contribution during the reign of Al-Mansur Al-Dahbi, as this contribution is estimated at 500 saddles, and the saddles represent 15 families and 1500 men. You can refer to the Diwan of the tribes of Sous Ibrahim Al-Hassani from the investigation of Ava Omar Al-Abbasi. The private "princely guard" and after the death of Moulay Ismail, the region entered a period of political vacuum, as is the case for the whole of Morocco. The tribe fought fierce wars with the Idoubaqil tribe, starting with the looting of the Ba'qilites of Agadir "Tenzar", passing through the battle of "Tigme", "Tazemort" and "Tamda Armand". And "Edkokmar" and ending with the "Targhna" incident in the year 1302 AD. And it was only natural for Ellig to get involved.
imajat or imajadh tribes 1-1380
Imjad is divided into 7 genitals, and they are:
-1) Tajat is located in the west of the tribe and overlooks with its borders both Ait al-Rakhaa and Yayt Jarrar. Culture and literature are the same in the old days and in the present era, and this tribe still bears fruit and gives great men who believed in what they promised the tribe. We mention among them, for example, the family of al-Tawfiq Ed Bal-Karih, who gave birth to scholars, among them Sidi Hajj A Muhammad, a professor and jurist at the ancient scientific school, Bayt al-Rakha’a, and his brother Sidi Hajj Saeed is a professor and jurisprudence at Bounaman School, Bayt Ibrahim, and their nephews, Al-Hussein. Among them, we mention the stadium, Hajj Ali Fakih, a preacher at the Aouina Mosque, and a member of the Scientific Council of Sidi Avni. We also mention the Ahmed Al-Wafa Fakih stadium, and a stadium in the scientific school, Bayt Wafaqa, and Al-Faqih bin Fares.This subject is dealt with by someone who feels himself competent and prepared, and I believe that he will find in each of the scientific families that he is sufficiently prepared to provide him with the necessary information or references.
-2). Ait Karmoun is the second tribe of Magat tribes located also in the west and overlooks both Tazr Walt and White Prosperity
. Right and legitimacy is one of his special characteristics that he does not favor anyone and does not fear in telling the truth the blame of the blamer. Among the men of this tribe are the Idraq family and Hajj Salih al-Karamouni, who did a good job in the advancement of the region and led a lot of movements for the advancement of the region, i.e. the Ait Karmon region, especially in the eighties of the last century and then came after him Young people carried the torch and society still expects a lot from them.
imajat or imajadh tribes 1--639
-3). Edboneran. It is also one of the Majat tribes, which embodies its pride and pride and is jealous of its interests. The Benirani man is distinguished by self-esteem, sacrifice, sacrifice, and love of enrichment. This tribe has given birth to personalities in the past and in recent times, I remember them, for example, but not limited to the leader "Mubarak Al-Birani", who was appointed by an honorable backer by Hassan I and the leader. We are safe from you, Muhammad Ali, who was called for help on the case of Tamdoult Ouqa, and the story is remembered by oral narrations and circulated by everyone, and it was kneaded in the fourteenth century AD, according to what was mentioned in the teacher of the history of Morocco. There are also personalities in the tribe who have demonstrated their competence in all scientific, cultural, political and economic fields and spiritual
-4). Ait Hamman. From the tribes of Mujat and located in the center of the tribe. The Hemani element is distinguished by its kindness and humility, while refraining from other preoccupations that occupy the mind of others, such as politics and economics. Despite this, it is distinguished by its shrewdness, but it does not employ this shrewdness enough, which sometimes makes it vulnerable to criticism from others. This tribe has also given Personalities who provided the tribe and humanity in general with great
services, I remember, for example, “ Sidi Muhammad bin Ibrahim Ikram.” The human being Al-Hamani expressed his dedication to serving the common good and his love for him on many occasions, such as the efforts made and the great sacrifices made by “Muhammad Ashkour” with a group of the sons of the tribe Mujat to contribute to the construction of road tracts, build the post office in Changet, and contribute to the construction of the main road in the tribe, and so on. We must also not forget Mr. "Mubarak Agui" and "Ali Bakir"
imajat or imajadh tribes 1--640
-5). Eat Moses. It is also from the Majat tribes, whose members are characterized by cohesion, solidarity, and their eagerness to serve their region. The Musawi man is distinguished by seriousness, perseverance, and introversion to himself and the tribe, and he is always ready for allowance and giving. This tribe, too, gave great men in the scientific and literary field. The area of "Akni Adan" had an ancient scientific school, but it was destroyed. Among the men of the tribe in the past were Sidi "Abdullah Al-Hassan Al-Adani" and Sidi "Al-Hassan Sa'id Al-Adani" and Sidi "Ahmed Sa'id Al-Wardasi Al-Adani" their cousin, and Sidi "Ali Al-Hasan Al-Adani"
-6). Ait Ali Netakout. This tribe, in turn, has its men who are attested by history of nobility and good standing, and they have a distinguished position throughout the history of the tribe. I mention among these sages “Ali Eshelhin” and we have noticed some of the historical roles that he played in service for the benefit of the Imjad tribe. I remember Sir "Abdullah Al-Aknawi" and Sir "Masoud Ushahour" and Sir "Uday Al-Fali" and Sir "Jami Al-Azlitni" the good guardian Sir "Muhammad Idir" and his ancient school, which contributed effectively to strengthening the pillars of religion and the values of Islam and spreading its culture among the people of the tribe and its neighborhood as well Sidi "Al-Mastour" School in Ibder.

-7). Come on the kiss. This tribe is an extension of its predecessor. All that matters is that the administrative division necessitated dividing it into two tribes, which in turn sold it to them in enriching the heritage of the region, whether in the spiritual or social aspect. Nazeel Ellen, a scholar and mufti who died in the year 1214 A.H. Sidi Ahmed Al-Hari, with him, Sidi was known as Abi Al-Qalsim Al-Tajermonti, Sidi Ali Al-Bu’alachi and Al-Qa’id Saeed in the past. His father was Amghar, “Muhammad Nadali Abaha.” There are other individuals and families who carried the torch of thought and entered the world of money. In this tribe, and it was indicated here that part of the "Ait Sidi Abdallah Said" tribe is present within this tribe, and they have a long hand in revitalizing the cultural movement in the region, not only at the level of the "Ait Ali Qiblat" tribe, but also at the level of "Ait Haman".

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