The Five Tribes Alliance
The Five Tribes Alliance 1-2981
The alliance of the five tribes in Latin: (Quinquegentiani) is an alliance of ancient Berber tribes inhabiting the region now known as the Kabylie region on the eastern border of the Tsarist province of Mauritania.
These tribes united and revolted against Roman rule
The Quintuple League (Quenquegentiens) consists of five tribes:
- Isflenses, this name is similar to the name of the Iflissen tribe, which continues to this day.
- There is a writing in Aumale dating back to 261 AD and it talks about the leader Fraxen, and this name is similar to the name of the Ait Frawsen tribe.
- The Jubaleni, which inhabit the mountains and are a Zawawa tribe (Arabized from Ijawun), which still exists to this day.
Without forgetting the Massissenses, which is the Imsissen tribe, also called the Mississna, and there are still other tribes...
Among the smaller tribes in the African region, there are the Bavares and their neighbor, Ucutamani, which means Kotama in the current state of Jijel.
All of these tribes participated in the Firmus Revolt against the Romans in 370 AD.

Source : websites