The Ministry of National Education aims to achieve full generalization of the teaching of Tamazight in the primary school in 2029
The Ministry of National Education aims to achieve full generalization of the teaching of Tamazight in the primary school in 2029 11985
Gradual generalization of teaching the Amazigh language in primary education, starting from the next school season 2023-2024, on the horizon of achieving full generalization during the academic year 2030/2029, according to what was approved by the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports in a detailed ministerial memorandum .
In a memorandum addressed to the directors and directors of the central administration and regional academies of education and training, regional directors and directors, educational inspectors and inspectors of primary education, directors and directors of primary education institutions and teachers and professors of the Amazigh language in primary education, the Ministry referred to the path of gradual generalization of the teaching of the Amazigh language at the level of all educational institutions. Primary school, including minors, starting from the academic year 2023/2024, achieving a coverage rate of 50% during the academic year 2025/2026, and achieving full generalization during the academic year 2029/2030.
Regarding the approved procedures, the Ministry affirmed that “the organizational, administrative, educational, formative, supportive and other procedures and measures should be united at the central, regional, regional and local levels.
The memorandum added that controlling the course of generalizing the teaching of the Amazigh language requires “establishing the necessary mechanisms to lead this national workshop at all levels, through the creation of a central committee for leadership headed by the Secretary General of the Ministry, and with the membership of the directors of the relevant central directorates, to monitor and evaluate the implementation of this program in its various stages.” A program for the gradual generalization of the teaching of the Amazigh language was developed under the “supervision of the Curriculum Directorate, which undertakes the general coordination of the various procedures and measures related to these workshops, with the involvement of the concerned central directors, regional academies of education and training, and various educational actors, as well as coordination with the ministry’s partners in this field.”
The memorandum provided for the creation of regional and regional committees for leadership that would oversee the planning and implementation of the tight track and procedures for generalizing the teaching of the Amazigh language, especially through the development of educational maps for the educational institutions in which the Amazigh language will be taught, and the preparation and implementation of regional and regional plans and work programs for expanding the teaching of this language and providing the requirements for its dissemination. In addition to tracking and evaluating the achievements, taking into account the objectives set at the national, regional and regional levels, and this committee works under the direct supervision of the regional director (s) for the regional leadership committee, and this committee includes in its membership officials responsible for the various departments and interests concerned, It also includes a representation of educational inspectors, directors of educational institutions, teachers of the Amazigh language, and those with experience and expertise in this field.
With regard to the organization and management of departments, the Ministry emphasized that at the regional, regional and local levels, it is necessary to control the process of distributing departments to male and female teachers according to the school timetable for primary education and the educational structure of each educational institution, in a manner that guarantees the optimal operation of available human resources. It is also possible to “assign a professor to teach the Amazigh language in more than one institution, according to an appropriate timetable.”
The Ministry of National Education aims to achieve full generalization of the teaching of Tamazight in the primary school in 2029 1-1388
The plan for the gradual generalization of the teaching of the Amazigh language in primary education institutions, according to the memorandum, requires the provision of qualified human resources to teach this language, especially through the basic training of teachers and professors of the Amazigh language subject, according to a map and formative contents that are consistent with the ruling objectives at the level of expanding and generalizing the teaching of this language and at the level of implementing the curriculum in a wire. Primary education, and enabling female teachers and professors who study the Amazigh language in educational institutions to benefit from training courses that are programmed within the framework of regional programs for continuous training, especially in order to enhance their capabilities in the methodology of teaching the Amazigh language subject, and deepen their knowledge in the didactics of this subject and accompany them in downloading related educational developments by their profession.
And “the inclusion of the Amazigh language formula within the basic training formulas for teachers and professors of primary education, double major, and the organization of training courses in the field of teaching the Amazigh language, within the framework of regional programs for continuous training, to contribute to expanding and facilitating the teaching of the Amazigh language in primary education institutions.”
The same memorandum emphasized “the keenness to supervise female and male teachers of the Amazigh language subject by the educational inspectors charged with supervising the teaching of this subject, on a regular basis. It is also possible to benefit from the mechanism of accompaniment and training through practice and from female professors and professors who are proficient in the Amazigh language and have experience and experience among them, in order to keep up with their colleagues and colleagues from the teachers and professors, especially the new ones, within the framework of activating teamwork among the teachers of this subject.
And she called for the investment of information and communication technology in order to improve the process of teaching the Amazigh language, especially through the adoption of digital platforms for teaching and learning this language from a distance, to be placed at the disposal of teachers, professors, students and students.
According to the memorandum of the Benmoussa Ministry, work is underway on “a digital platform for learning the Amazigh language, as an embodiment of the partnership agreement that links this ministry with the Ministry delegated to the Prime Minister in charge of digital transition and administration reform, regarding the activation of the official character of the Amazigh language and the promotion of its integration into the field of education.”
“As for the available digital resources that have been developed to support the teaching of the Amazigh language, work should be done to sensitize and familiarize teachers and professors with it, and to train them to use it. Students must also be urged and directed to use these resources that were placed at their disposal in the student’s space on the Masar platform in order to support basic learning in Amazigh. : supply the same note.
The Ministry of National Education aims to achieve full generalization of the teaching of Tamazight in the primary school in 2029 1--646
The memorandum of the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports called for providing teachers and professors of the Amazigh language with the necessary number, documents and pedagogical guides that would help them carry out the daily pedagogical measure for teaching this language in the classrooms assigned to them.

Source : websites