Morocco: The government decides to generalize the teaching of the Amazigh language in primary schools
Morocco: The government decides to generalize the teaching of the Amazigh language in primary schools 1848
The Minister of National Education, Primary Education and Sports in Morocco, Chakib Benmoussa, announced, in a memorandum, “the approval of the gradual generalization of the teaching of the Amazigh language in all primary education institutions, including secondary schools, starting from the academic year 2023/2024, to achieve a coverage rate of 50 percent during the year.” 2025/2026 academic year, and achieving full generalization during the 2029/2030 academic year. It is on the horizon of being fully circulated during the academic season 2030/2029.
The memorandum indicated that “in order to control the path of generalizing the teaching of the Amazigh language, the necessary mechanisms will be established to lead this national workshop, where a central committee for leadership will be established, headed by the Secretary General of the Ministry, and with the membership of the directors of the relevant central directorates, to monitor and evaluate the implementation of this program in its various stages.” .
program for the gradual generalization of the teaching of the Amazigh language will also be developed under the supervision of the Directorate of Curricula, which undertakes the general coordination of the various procedures and measures related to these workshops, with the involvement of the concerned central directors, regional academies of education and training and various educational actors, as well as coordination with the Ministry's partners in this field.
Morocco: The government decides to generalize the teaching of the Amazigh language in primary schools 1-556
With regard to the management and organization of departments, the memorandum emphasized that, at the regional, regional and local levels, it is necessary to control the process of distributing departments to male and female teachers, according to the school time envelope for primary education and the educational structure of each educational institution, in a manner that ensures the optimal operation of available human resources.
It is also possible, whenever there is a need to assign a professor to teach the Amazigh language in more than one institution according to an appropriate time arrangement, and in the part related to training, the memorandum clarified that the plan of gradual generalization requires the provision of qualified human resources to teach this language, especially through the basic training of teachers and professors of the Amazigh language subject According to a map and formative contents that are consistent with the ruling objectives at the level of expanding and generalizing the teaching of this language and at the level of implementing the curriculum in the primary education sector.
The memorandum urged the need to enable female teachers and professors who study the Amazigh language in educational institutions to benefit from training courses that are programmed within the framework of regional programs for continuous training, especially in order to enhance their capabilities in the methodology of teaching the Amazigh language subject, and to deepen their knowledge in the didactics of this subject and keep pace with them in downloading educational developments. associated with their profession.

And a statement issued by the Moroccan Royal Court, at the beginning of this month, was that the Moroccan monarch announced the approval of the Amazigh New Year, an official national holiday to be paid for it, similar to the Muharram conqueror of the Hijri year and the Gregorian New Year, and he issued his directives to the head of government in order to take the necessary measures to activate this. High royal decision.

Source : websites