“Vicina,” the new artwork by the Amazigh artist Abdelwafi El Karimi
 “Vicina,” the new artwork by the Amazigh artist Abdelwafi El Karimi 1869
Yesterday evening, Saturday, June 10, 2023, the artist and composer Abdelwafi Al-Kuraimi released his new song “ Vecina ”, for which the video clip scenes were filmed at the headquarters of the General Command of the Rural Resistance during the Spanish colonial period known as “Vecina” in Ajdir.
“Vicina” is one of the historical monuments that has long been forgotten, despite its great place and importance in the history of the countryside. It was transformed from a historical landmark into a dumping ground for waste and rubbish. Its walls were worn out and most of its columns were destroyed. It became an abandoned refuge, a place that carries with it memories of the steadfastness of the rural people in the face of colonialism.
It is worth noting that the Karimi artist has previously released a set of committed songs that sing about personalities who left immortal imprints on the history of the countryside and Morocco in general, such as “ Hedou Aksheesh ” and “ Adenbi ”. This vibrant artist, Riva, sang for the mother and the father through his song “ Yama D Baba ”, without forgetting the land of his ancestors through his piece “ Tamourth n Arif ”, and other songs that enriched the country music repertoire.

Abd al-Wafi al-Karimi is an authentic and self-taught Amazigh rural artist. He was born in the Sufi roundabout, exactly “Igfas”. He studied elementary school in the same al-Madashir, after which he moved to Laith Bouayash to pursue his preparatory studies, then secondary school in the city of Imzouren.
Stay tuned for an interview with this self-made artist in the next issue of the Amazigh World newspaper .
The song can be heard on his YouTube channel:

Source : websites