Kidal: Popular protests in Jihok against the “demonic constitution referendum” in Mali
Kidal: Popular protests in Jihok against the “demonic constitution referendum” in Mali 12065
This Sunday morning, popular demonstrations took place in the city of Jalhok, in the state of Kidal, to denounce the constitutional referendum in Jalhok, and the demonstrators called not to hold the referendum in Jalhok and throughout the Azawad region, and held responsibility for everyone who asked himself to vote in favor of this constitution, which they described as “satanic.”
Kidal: Popular protests in Jihok against the “demonic constitution referendum” in Mali 1-1536
According to the demonstrators, they will not vote for a constitution that does not take any consideration of the Algiers Peace and Reconciliation Agreement, which is the only legal basis linking Azawad and Mali.
Kidal: Popular protests in Jihok against the “demonic constitution referendum” in Mali 1-1537
It is noteworthy that the city of Kidal did not hold the referendum, as well as all the areas under the control of the Azawad movements that signed the Algiers Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation.

Source: websites