Dar Taleb Foundation in Tafraout celebrates students who excel academically
Dar Taleb Foundation in Tafraout celebrates students who excel academically 1359
Today, Wednesday, June 21, 2023, the Dar Taleb Foundation in Tafraout organized a ceremony for school excellence at the Dar Taleb Foundation headquarters in Tafraout, to celebrate the outstanding students in the baccalaureate exams, in the presence of a number of important personalities and local officials, including:
Mr. Amen
Mr. Hussein Farid, Vice President of the Tafraoute Community
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- Mr. Ibrahim Amzil, President of the Al-Khair Association for the care and management of the Talib House, Tafraout
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The ceremony was opened with a welcome speech and a warm reception for the guests by Mr. Ibrahim Amzel, President of the Al-Khair Association for the care and management of Dar Talib Tafraout.
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During his opening speech, Mr. Muhammad Al Qasimi, the Administrative Director of the Foundation, congratulated all students and educational frameworks on the efforts they made throughout their academic career, which culminated in achieving encouraging results, taking the opportunity to express his sincere thanks to all the partners and stakeholders for the services they have provided for the benefit of Dar Al Taleb Foundation, and they have always been They provide support and support for the advancement of the education and training sector and their continuous support for the institution, and he also took the opportunity to extend his thanks and praise to all the teachers who voluntarily and with a strong will and desire provided support and strengthening lessons for the benefit of the students of Dar Al Taleb.
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The ceremony was marked by the organization of several paragraphs, including the awarding of incentive prizes to successful students, as they were honored for their efforts and excellence in study. Supporters and prominent local personalities who contributed to the development and support of the institution were also honored. At the head of these personalities was Haji Abdul Rahim Amzel, who provided great support to the institution. On the occasion, Mr. Hassan Semlali, Pasha of Tafraout, was also honored for his continuous support of the Foundation and the beneficiaries of its services. Mr. Mouloud Amanallah, the regional delegate for national cooperation in Tiznit, was also honored.
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A paragraph was also devoted to honoring the family of the late Daabdo - Abed Bu Khasawi - for his contribution and work with dedication and sincerity throughout his career in the institution until he passed away, may God have mercy on him.
In an atmosphere full of joy and vitality, certificates of appreciation were distributed to the teachers and educational frameworks that supervised the provision of support and remedial lessons for the students of Dar Al-Talib throughout the academic season.
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The ceremony witnessed an intense presence of the administrative and educational frameworks of the Dar Taleb Foundation, in addition to the representatives of the administrative and educational frameworks of the new qualifying high school in Tafraout, in addition to the presence of the administrative and educational frameworks of the Atlas Preparatory School, representatives of the Association of Parents and Guardians of Students, local associative activities, and a group of distinguished guests who shared moments of honor and celebration. with pupils.
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Appreciation certificates and gifts were awarded to the distinguished and honored students, which were handed to them by the local personalities present.
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This ceremony of excellence is an opportunity to celebrate the distinguished students and honor them for their efforts during the school season. The ceremony also strengthens the bonds of communication and cooperation between the Foundation and the rest of the actors from the local authorities, civil society, territorial groups, and the rest of those involved in order to motivate the students and encourage them to achieve their academic and professional goals.
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With this ceremony, the Dar Taleb Foundation in Tafraout confirmed its strong work and tremendous efforts to provide a stimulating learning environment for students, in order to ensure that they achieve distinguished results in their academic path.
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This initiative also enhances the celebration of success and excellence in society and inspires students to achieve higher levels of success and excellence in the future.
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The ceremony concluded with a good supplication for the Commander of the Faithful, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God grant him victory and support, and for all members of the honorable royal family.

Source : websites