Semiology of communication in the Amazigh culture - the symbolic discourse as a model
Semiology of communication in the Amazigh culture - the symbolic discourse as a model 12086
The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences Sayes - Fez announces that a dissertation, attended by the researcher: Khadija Belmoden, will be discussed to obtain a PhD in Arts and Human Sciences, from the Center for Studies in “Literature, Human Sciences, Arts and Education Sciences”, and training within languages, literature, communication and media (the axis of Arabic studies) in the subject of:
Semiology of communication in the Amazigh culture - the symbolic discourse as a model 1-1580
Semiology of communication in Amazigh culture - symbolic discourse as a model - on Saturday, June 24, 2023, starting at ten o’clock in the formation hall of the college. The discussion committee will consist of Professors Dr. Hamo Belghazi, Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture Rabat, Dr. Mohamed Al Zahir, Faculty of Arts, Says Fez, and Dr. Idris Al Dahabi Faculty of Arts, Dhar El-Hraz, Fez, Dr. Al-Hassan Sobh, Faculty of Arts, Says, Fez.

Source: websites