Announcing the organization of the 15th edition of the Tifaouine Festival in Tafraoute
 Announcing the organization of the 15th edition of the Tifaouine Festival in Tafraoute 1363
A statement was issued on the organization of the 15th session of the Tifaouine Festival, which is an occasion in which the association of belonging to the land draws from the depth of the Amazigh identity and culture. Rural arts in the Souss-Massa region and in all regions of the Kingdom, as well as through various programs that combine educational, social, artistic, cultural, economic and recreational activities.
The statement stated that the Tifaouine Festival is organizing its 15th edition, after a 3-year hiatus due to the Corona pandemic, a cycle that returns with it the eternal torch of the festival “Victory for the Village”, which constitutes a prominent title that distinguishes the festival from other national cultural events, and a general goal that frames the work of an initiative and harmonious team of The youth of the region are filled with the hope of advancing this cultural event for the better, and to contribute from its position, as a local civil body, in advancing the local development wheel towards promising horizons.
 Announcing the organization of the 15th edition of the Tifaouine Festival in Tafraoute 1-641
This session, as the previous ones, will be organized by the Festival Tifaouine Association, in cooperation with the communes of Amelne and Tafraoute, and with the support of a group of institutional and private partners, during the period from 10 to 13 August 2023 in the city of Tafraoute and the commune of Amelne in the Tiznit region.
The artistic programming of this session will focus on the aspect of interaction between the aesthetics of rural arts and modern musical creations, with the participation of traditional bands from all over the Kingdom of Morocco, with the hosting of international bands from Asia, Europe and Africa, within the framework of an open spectacle on the spacious rural public spaces, in both the Ameln and Tafraout communities.

Source: websites