Changing the timing of the Tifaouine Festival - Tafraoute
Changing the timing of the Tifaouine Festival - Tafraoute 1925
The Festival Tifaouine Association announces to the public opinion and to all its institutional and private partners, its intention to - change the date of organizing the 15th session of the Tifaouine Village Arts Festival - with all its various paragraphs, to the next October school holiday period (from 18 to 21 October 2023).
This decision to change was taken for multiple and complementary considerations, mainly related to providing the objective conditions necessary to implement the new vision of the festival based on the ruralite theme in its national dimension, which is more open to the international dimension. Which will allow:
Changing the timing of the Tifaouine Festival - Tafraoute 1-699
First: By optimally investing the natural capabilities of the Tafraoute region in a more appropriate manner (diversifying spaces, appropriate climatic conditions...)
Second: By contributing to the polarization and territorial marketing in a way that makes Tafraout a tourist attraction in this autumn period, nationally and internationally. * And thirdly * by leaving the summer period for the activities of circle associations, for the multiple religious seasons, and for the activities of various soil groups.
Changing the timing of the Tifaouine Festival - Tafraoute 1-700
Thus, the annual date of the Festival Tifaouine will be shifted to the autumn period (October of each year).

Source: websites