The best home DNA tests
The best home DNA tests 12159
Fears of breach of personal privacy data
The home tests used for DNA analysis may intrigue anyone who wants to learn more about their ethnic roots or explore their ties to past or present relatives. The attraction is clear here: it is enough for the user to spit into a tube or swab a sample from the lining of his cheek to unlock many genetic mysteries that may be rooted back generations.
On the other hand, these DNA testing services are accompanied by many legitimate concerns about privacy, especially since the legal controls that regulate them in terms of the use of personal data are very few. The repercussions of sharing your DNA with non-profit companies continue to evolve, and perhaps undergoing a recreational DNA test today will have unforeseen consequences for you in the future.
But if you feel comfortable with that idea, The Wirecutter of The New York Times believes that DNA Ancestry is the most effective service. He came to this conclusion after more than 90 hours of research and almost three years of reporting, which involved evaluating the results of an examination panel of volunteers from all major population groups.
The best home DNA tests 1-1701
The best choice: AncestryDNA. DNA Ancestry makes it easier to explore ethnic origins and provides the largest database of family ties matching. On the other hand, however, it cannot distinguish between the offspring from the maternal and paternal side, in addition to that the company may initiate the sale of your DNA data for sums of money if you choose to participate in its research program. The price is $100.
He topped the DNA Ancestry test. List of Home DNA Tests Because it presents the results in a clearer manner than other services, as well as it presents information related to ancestors in a useful and understandable historical context. All DNA testing services came out with similar results in terms of the ethnic origins of the test participants, but DNA Ancestry reports and media. Comprehensiveness and accuracy gave her the degree of superiority.
Moreover, the company, which claims to have a database of 18 million customers, gives people looking for distant relatives or even biological parents higher chances of finding a match. But unlike most of the other services The Wirecutter has tested, Ancestry DNA cannot. To trace the family history of the mother or father separately, and not even to trace the family's historical migration path. Like 23andMe, Ancestry collaborates on biomedical research with for-profit and not-for-profit groups, but shares anonymous data with explicit consent from customers.
other options
> The second option: “23andme”. The "23 and Me" examination provides accurate results, such as the "Ancestry" examination, in addition to tracking migration paths, with a detailed explanation of the mother's and father's strains. However, “23andMe” has a smaller database than its predecessor, and it, in turn, may take the initiative to exchange information about people who participated in its research projects for sums of money. Price: $100.
The best home DNA tests 1-1702
23andme offers the same kind of ethnic assessment (and raises the same privacy concerns) at the same price as the previous service. This company has a database of 12 million consumers, which means that the chances of a customer gathering his unknown relatives through it are less, but in return it has the best website that makes it easier for its visitor to search in countless detailed graphs, reports and documents more easily compared to the websites of competing companies.
During the tests, 23andMe provided male participants with a glimpse into a separate family migration path on the maternal and paternal side. The authors of this guide did not evaluate the performance of the examination in the biomedical field, but if you are searching in your DNA for information about specific health indicators, the “23andMe” service offers you a set of reports in the form of an additional paid service. Finally, this company sells your medical data anonymously to GlaxoSmithKline but only if you decide to participate in its research projects.
> Option to upgrade: FamilyTreeDNA. This test gives results that are not too accurate in terms of general ethnic origins, but it is better than others in its additional services, as it provides a detailed analysis of family strains on both the mother and father sides. It should be noted that this company allows law enforcement companies to access their customer database. Price via the company's website: $80.

Our tests have shown that the ratios estimates provided by the Family Tree DNA service. For its customers, it is no less accurate than the results of “Ancestry” and “23 and Me”. However, it offers the best set of comprehensive analysis options based on an examination of ethnic origins. These additional options are sure to satisfy any genetics geek seeking to explore its links to early human migration or wanting to find relatives on one side of the family tree. However, you should beware that the list of various options offered by this company will contribute to enlarging your bill, to the point that you may pay an amount two or three times more than what you may pay with the two companies mentioned above without realizing it. As for those concerned about the issue of privacy, they must be informed that this company provides the data of its customers to law enforcement agencies without the latter’s request.

Source: websites