The Red Planet may become a home for immigrants from Earth
The Red Planet may become a home for immigrants from Earth 13-402
?Traces of creatures on Mars. Are they “alien creatures”
NASA has identified a gas on Mars produced by living organisms on Earth... which has puzzled scientists about what could be hiding on the red planet.
The US space agency NASA made a terrifying discovery on the surface of Mars, where it found traces of living organisms. Scientists said that these traces may mean the presence of “aliens” living on the surface of the red planet, but humans have not reached them yet.
Scientists are conducting extensive research related to the planet Mars because of the belief that humans could colonize it in the future, and that it may turn into a home for immigrants wishing to leave the planet Earth, while NASA sent a research and exploratory mission to the planet years ago, but of course it does not include any human element. .
In the details published by the British newspaper “Daily Mail”, and reviewed by “Al”, NASA found traces of gas that may be a sign of the presence of life near a crater on the red planet.
The Red Planet may become a home for immigrants from Earth 13--111
NASA identified a gas on Mars produced by living organisms on Earth, which puzzled scientists about what might be hiding on the red planet.
NASA's robot, which bears the name "Kurisuti Rover", discovered a continuous flow of methane gas coming from a volcanic crater called "Galli Crater". It is a gas that appears at different times of the day and fluctuates seasonally, and it sometimes reaches 40 times higher. ususally.
Scientists believe that the source of the gas comes from the depths of the planet, while NASA still says that it is not sure whether there are living organisms on the surface of the planet or not.

NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover has been roaming the surface of Mars since 2012, and during all that time, the most disturbing thing it found was the constant flow of methane gas coming from Gale Crater.

Source : websites