Huge numbers of black feathers sweep a tourist beach in Musandam
Huge numbers of black feathers sweep a tourist beach in Musandam 1800
A group of impressive shots, these flocks of Socotra cormorants seem to be invading a tourist beach in the Sultanate of Oman, as these birds swept vast areas and turned them black to contrast with the blue of the sea water.
Huge numbers of black feathers sweep a tourist beach in Musandam 1-1711
Omani photographer Hussain bin Ali was able to monitor the majestic scene of huge and eye-catching numbers of Socotra cormorants migrating to the tourist beach of "Bassa", which is located in the wilayat of Khasab in the Musandam Governorate.
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The Socotra cormorant is known to be a social bird that lives in large flocks, and it is a marine species.
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During the documentation process, Ben Ali focuses his lens on highlighting the huge numbers of Socotra cormorants in some shots, as it appears as if it completely covers the beach of Bussa, while other shots focused on the most prominent details of the bird accurately, according to what he said to the site.
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Adult Socotra cormorants have black plumage and a slender neck. As for immature birds, they have brown feathers, and are often distinguished by their white color on their stomach and chest from below.
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Socotra cormorants face a number of major threats, the main ones being coastal development, disturbance by humans, and marine pollution near nesting colonies.
In order to get its food, the Socotra cormorant dives into the water, and some reports indicate that it can stay underwater for up to three minutes at a time.
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Source: websites