Spain.. a dead whale was found carrying a valuable treasure inside its guts
Spain.. a dead whale was found carrying a valuable treasure inside its guts 12193
Researchers have found a valuable treasure inside the guts of a dead whale on the beach of La Palma Island in the Spanish Canary Islands. After examining the whale, the researchers discovered the presence of 10 kilograms of ambergris in its intestines, which is estimated to be worth about $544,000.
Spain.. a dead whale was found carrying a valuable treasure inside its guts 1-1755
Amber is a rare substance used in the perfume industry, and it is produced from the guts of some whales. This substance is formed when the whale eats large amounts of squid and molluscs that it cannot digest, so these substances gather inside the whale's intestines and form amber.
In the case of the La Palma whale, it had a problem with digestion, which led to the formation of a large amount of amber in its intestines and caused its death. The researchers hope to sell this material and donate the money to support the victims of the volcano in the Las Palmas region.

It is worth noting that amber is used in the perfume industry because it contains amberin, which is a colorless alcohol capable of fixing perfumes and prolonging their life. Because of the scarcity of this substance, the price of one kilogram of it reaches about $40,000.

Source: websites