10experiences to do only in Colombia
10experiences to do only in Colombia 1853
Who hasn't heard of Colombia? From the magnificent colonial city of Cartagena de Indias, located in the Caribbean Sea? Of its heavenly beaches and its welcoming and warm population? Or of its turbulent and tragic past? This country located in the far north of South America is bordered by the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. It is still a territory preserved from mass tourism and has managed to preserve its authenticity as well as the wild beauty of its different landscapes. To impress you and make you want to fly to this magnificent country, here is a selection of 10 activities that you can only do in Colombia!
1-Sleep with the Kogi indigenous community
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The Kogi community is a native people from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in northern Colombia. It is the highest coastal massif in the world, with mountains that culminate at 5,775 m above sea level. The Kogis call themselves the "big brothers", because they think they have a knowledge and mystical perception of nature superior to any other people, whom they call the "little brothers". The habits, rites and traditions of the community have changed very little since the times preceding the colonial era. By staying with them , you will live a moving, authentic experience reserved for certain travelers. Indeed, access to their villages is strongly controlled by the Mamo, the authoritarian figure in each community.
2-Observe the pink dolphins of the Amazon
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Fly over a green ocean that seems to go on forever, then land in the middle of the planet's lungs: welcome to the Amazon ! This region has plenty of surprises for travelers and watching the pink dolphin in the Amazon River is one of the most fun! The pink dolphin, also called boto, is an endemic species, only present in the Amazon and Orinoco basins. Being able to reach 2.80 m and weigh 150 kg, the one who remains the largest freshwater dolphin is playful and curious. Note that it is particularly active at sunset!
3-Explore the mysterious ruins of the vanished civilization of San Agustin
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The San Agustin Archaeological Park is a set of 300 particularly aesthetic megalithic religious and funerary sculptures that testify to the great creativity of those who made them. In animal, human or abstract forms, they are located in a wild landscape in the heart of the Andes mountain range, in the department of Huila in Colombia. They were built by a pre-Hispanic civilization that has now disappeared and which reached its peak between the 1st and 8th centuries AD. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1995, these sublime sculptures are older than Machu Picchu.
4-Observe humpback whales from Gorgona Island, a former high security prison
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Every year, from June to October, humpback whalesjoin the waters of the Colombian Pacific during their annual migration which sees them giving birth to their calves. Gorgona Island is the ideal place to observe them. Located 35 km from the Colombian coast, it is reached after a 1h30 boat trip from Guapi. The island is also home to many species of birds, reptiles, monkeys and many other mammals. For 26 years and until 1986, Gorgona Island housed a high security prison reserved for Colombia's most dangerous criminals! They lived there in terrible conditions. Now only the walls remain, where the jungle and humidity have taken over. Today, Gorgona Island is a park and nature reserve and one of the best places to watch, swim and dive with humpback whales.
5-Savor dozens of exotic fruits, in juice or whole
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Colombia has a great diversity of landscapes and ecosystems. This allows him to grow a wide variety of foods, and in particular the following fruits: pomegranate, lulo, soursop, mangosteen, cherimoya, gulupa, passion fruit, pitaya, barbadine, borojo, curuba, guava, feijoa, pink apple, physalis or starfruit. You are spoiled for choice to satisfy your small appetites, refresh yourself or fill up on vitamins. Spread the word, Colombia is an exotic fruit paradise .
6-Taste the best coffee in the world
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During the 1980s and 1990s, Colombian coffee was internationally recognized as the best coffee in the world. Coffee cultivation is widespread throughout the country, from the north to the south of the territory. More than 36,000 coffee farms produce coffee of different varieties that adapt to all tastes: full-bodied, light, fruity, tart, etc. Moreover, during the Colombian peace treaty, former coca leaf farmers converted to coffee thanks to new opportunities linked to the economy and tourism. During a trip, it is impossible to miss a visit to a farm, to better understand the culture of coffee, participate in tastings and exchange with producers. These are fascinating life stories that will be told to you!
7-Take a walk among 70-meter-high palm trees in the Cocora Valley
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The wax palm is Colombia's national tree and the Cocora Valley is the most popular place to see them. They rise to more than 70 meters high and seem to defy the sky. The Cocora Valley is located in the heart of a coffee region, in the center of the country. It is also famous for sheltering nests of Andean condors, the largest bird in the world. Hiking among these giant trees and in the heart of green landscapes, but also observing birds including the Andean condor and hummingbirds, is a breathtaking and memorable experience. If you prefer to be away from the crowds, the Carbonera Valley and the Samaria Forest are excellent options for observing the wax palms, in a more intimate atmosphere and away from tourists.
8-Visit the incredible 5-color river: Caño Cristales
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Caño Cristales is also called "the river that escaped from paradise" or "the most beautiful river in the world", thanks to its 5 colors: red, green, blue, black and yellow. Closed to the public for years due to Colombia's armed conflict, the Serranía National Natural Park
de la Macarena opened its doors in 2014. It is a paradise for animal observation as well as for hiking. Between June and November, aquatic plants and the endemic seaweed, Macarenia clavigera , bloom under the water and give the watercourse its characteristic colors. It's a show to see at least once in your life!
9-Take a trek to the breathtaking Lost City
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The Lost City , or Teyuna as it is called by the locals, is an ancient religious site probably founded around the year 800 by the indigenous Tayrona community, whose descendants are the Kogis. Located in the heart of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, this ancient pre-Columbian city was abandoned during the Spanish conquest to protect it from attacks. It was later rediscovered in the 1970s by native burial looters. To reach it, it is necessary to walk for at least 3 days in the heart of the forest, during a magnificent trek marked by encounters with the local indigenous people.
10-Make several stays in 1
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Colombia is a destination that adapts to all tastes. It has paradisiacal beaches on the edge of the Pacific Ocean and in the Caribbean Sea, two deserts with intense red sand, and the magnificent Amazonian forest. We hike there in the heart of landscapes of high mountains, in the tropical forest and through imposing canyons. You can observe renowned archaeological remains and take pleasure in strolling through cosmopolitan, lively cities, as well as in charming colonial villages.

Colombia never ceases to surprise its visitors. It is the 2nd country in terms of biodiversity in the world, after Brazil. Its people are hospitable and warm and will always make you feel welcome! It is a destination that attracts more and more travelers, while remaining authentic and preserved. A South American territory not to be missed.

Source: websites