Which island to visit in Croatia? The 3 most beautiful to see
Which island to visit in Croatia? The 3 most beautiful to see 1854
Located on the Adriatic coast, Croatia has many islands. Are you planning to treat yourself to a few days in Croatia? The island of Hvar will be essential. Treat yourself to 3 days in Hvar, then complete with the islands of Vis and Brač. Your holidays will allow you to discover the exciting Croatian culture. During your stay, you will also taste its Mediterranean cuisine, rich in taste. Finally, the omnipresent nature on these islands promises you a superb stay!
1. Hvar, the essential island to visit in Croatia
Which island to visit in Croatia? The 3 most beautiful to see 1-1823
If you only have to visit one island, for a short weekend, Hvar will be the best destination. Sea, old town, culture: everything is good to see in Hvar! With its 68 km long, this island, which is the longest in central Dalmatia, is one of the must-sees to visit in Croatia during a stay on its islands. This is a great opportunity to take your car and travel this unique road. It offers an exceptional view of the massifs of the Biokovo natural park and its Sveti Jure summit. It's a real little air of Corsica that invites itself to Croatia! On the road, the temptation is great to stop at the producers of olive oil or honey, in order to discover some succulent regional products.
Hvar, a preserved nature…
The crystalline bays that border the island invite you to relax, to the most total relaxation. Treat yourself to a boat trip to Paklinski Island, you won't regret it… This is an area highly protected by public institutions. Their goal ? Preserve the posidonia, a marine flower endemic to the area. The various ecological actions also aim to preserve the sandy bottoms, the reefs, as well as the sea caves. The geological and underwater heritage of Paklinski makes it a pleasant place to spend a day.
The Paklinski Islands consist of dozens of bays with crystal clear waters. There are many restaurants, such as the Restaurant Meneghello, so that everyone can find the culinary specialty they want.
During the day, you can rent a speed boat and enjoy the tranquility of this island. Drop anchor wherever you want and treat yourself to a pleasant siesta in the shade of the pines.
To plan to spend 3 days in Hvar is also to undertake beautiful hikes in a green and wild nature. Do you want to take a wonderful walk? We advise you to hike at sunset . A magical moment to wish! The island being devoid of dwellings, we experience pure moments of disconnection.
There are also many bathing places. The crystal clear waters of the Adriatic inevitably invite you to land on pebble beaches and dive. Very close to Hvar, many beaches will delight you :
- Beach Križa in the heart of Hvar: a magical bay with crystal clear waters, located at the foot of the Franciscan Monastery,
- Pokonji dol Beach,
- Beach Robinson.
It is possible to reach these 3 beaches on foot . This is an opportunity to take a magical coastal hike, lasting about 1h30. As you hike, you stop in the island's superb coves and beaches to cool off. To make the most of your day, stop at a charming seaside hut for lunch.
Climbing enthusiasts also have a great time in Hvar . To gain height, head towards Vela Stiniva, Pokrivenik or Lučišća, which are excellent climbing spots!
To live peacefully these few days in Croatia, several superb coastal walks can tempt you. From Hvar to Milna, or even to Zarace, you walk on natural paths enjoying a breathtaking view.
Finally, climbing the hills of Hvar, you will understand why this place is sometimes nicknamed “the lavender island”. Croatia's dry and warm climate provides the perfect environment for this flower to flourish. Entire fields of lavender adorn the hills with their beautiful purple color. A real treat for the senses!
Croatian culture comes to Hvar…
Other walks, urban this time, will allow you to discover the old town and its treasures. Stroll and lose yourself a little in these small streets with Croatian charm. You will come across the oldest public theatre , dating from 1612. As you wander around, you will also discover Hvar's fortress, Fortica , built in the 16th century . The climb through a flowery path is already a marvel. Once at the top of the fortress, the view is simply sublime!
Also take advantage of your three days in Hvar to admire the Franciscan monastery . In the old refectory is now a museum, exhibiting coins and old documents. A visit to the Benedictine monastery allows you to discover the superb agave lace typical of the island. Do you have a little time left before the end of your stay? The archaeological site of Stari Grad Ager , witness to the agricultural organization system of the 4th century , is also worth a look!
The gastronomy of Hvar…
Your visits will necessarily be punctuated by local meals, which will delight your taste buds. The gregada is one of the local specialties to discover absolutely. This dish is prepared according to the oldest Dalmatian customs. Most often concocted with grouper, gilthead sea bream or monkfish, it also includes crab and various shellfish.
Croatian gastronomy is based on a healthy diet, mainly from fresh seafood. It finds its origin in the Mediterranean diet , based on a perfect nutritional balance. The diversity of products is at the heart of this concept: fish, meat (in small quantities), fruits, vegetables, seasonal products, dried fruits... This is the basis of the Mediterranean diet, from which Croatia and its islands are largely inspired. .
During your tastings, we invite you to discover Croatian wines . The incredible wine diversity of the surroundings is one of the good reasons to visit Hvar , in addition to the visits and activities to do. It is possible to participate in tastings, or to taste them in restaurants. Since vines have always been part of the Croatian landscape, they are found in many regions: Istria, Dalmatia, Plešivica, Slavonia, etc. Among the multitude of wines produced on the various islands, some are worth tasting, such as the white wines Pošip and Bogdanuša and the red wine Plavac Mali .
By ordering Croatian wines at the restaurant, you support the local economy. This approach, which is part of a sustainable journey, allows you at the same time to discover wines that are different from those known in France.
Finally, olive oil is also a flagship product of Hvar. Used since antiquity, it is now world famous. Tens of thousands of olive trees share the territory. A real invitation to discover this method of cultivation, as well as the finished product.
Your stay in Hvar is the perfect opportunity to make excursions to Brač and Vis . Hvar being between these two islands, it is easy to organize daily visits according to your desires.
2. The island of Vis and its incredible Stiniva cove
Which island to visit in Croatia? The 3 most beautiful to see 1-413
Vis is known for its amazing cove: Stiniva . Nestled between two large cliffs, it offers a total change of scenery. It's easy to get there by boat from Hvar, which offers day shuttles.
On the island of Vis you can also admire the seabed. Scuba diving is one of the best sports activities to do in Dalmatia during your stay. With a bottle, snorkelling or accompanied by your mask and snorkel, it will be a pure delight. You will be dazzled by the sea urchins, algae and other fish that will cross your path.
Today is a chance to visit the island of Vis , which has long been closed to tourists. Preserved, this fishing island lives at its own pace, mixing local traditions and authenticity . Ask yourself in front of a good local dish, then continue your lazy day in one of the pretty bays of Vis:
- Saint Georges,
- Stiniva,
- Cosima.
Remember to take your camera, as the view from these heavenly places is splendid! To enhance your day with interesting visits, we recommend:
- The Blue Grotto : located in the bay of Balun,
- The villages of Vis and Komiza , which immerse you in local life,
- Stončica beach , near the lighthouse of the same name.
This Croatian island is as calm as it is authentic. You will find superb landscapes there, and will keep wonderful memories.
3. The island of Brač and its iconic beach of Zlatni
Which island to visit in Croatia? The 3 most beautiful to see 1--165
Brač is a paradise island that you can integrate into your stay in Croatia. It is accessible by shuttle boat for the day, in order to discover one of the most beautiful beaches in the world: Zlatni Rat .
This beach, located in Bol , is shaped like an arrowhead. It borders a sea of a thousand shades of blue... Its waters are transparent, its beaches covered with white pebbles, as often in Croatia. Depending on the rhythm of the tides, the beach changes shape throughout the day. A pure marvel! If you only have to enjoy one beach during your trip to Croatia, this is the one we recommend.
Between two swims in Brač, you can have fun with different water activities . Boat trips are also possible from this island. You can also practice scuba diving here, to admire the superb Croatian seabed. We also gladly treat ourselves to a getaway to Supetar , the main city, during an excursion on this island. Finally, three main activities may interest you:
- the Cave of the Dragon, in Murvica,
- the Hermitage and its cloister, founded in the 16th century by Franciscan hermits,
- Vidova Gora, the highest peak on the island which culminates at just under 800 meters above sea level.
These different activities can be done in a day or two, depending on the length of your holiday.

Which island to visit in Croatia? The 3 most beautiful to see
The Croatian archipelago is the largest in the Adriatic Sea. Visiting all of its islands would take a long time, and not all of them are equal. If you only have to select one, Hvar will be the best choice to spend 3 days in Croatia. For a slightly longer stay, you will appreciate the visits and the landscapes of Vis and Brač. Armed with a good camera, you will take pictures worthy of the most beautiful postcards!

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