Soon.. Stem cells with a new technology to treat Parkinson's patients
Soon.. Stem cells with a new technology to treat Parkinson's patients 1-1848
A new stem cell treatment for Parkinson's disease is a step closer to human trials after scientists were able to successfully reconstruct nerve damage in an animal model, according to New Atlas, citing the journal Stem Cells and Development.
young neurons
Researchers from Scripps Research and Cardiff University used iPSCs from the skin cells of two people with Parkinson's disease to grow young neurons, which were then transplanted into mice with Parkinson's disease. By timing the growth of new cells just right, they are able to replace damaged neurons and potentially reverse the physical disabilities that come with neurological damage.
While there are clinical studies of stem cells underway, the new trial is the first to use autologous therapy, which means cells are harvested from the person who will ultimately receive the transplant.
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"The [research] paper marks an important advance toward developing an alternative autologous cell therapy for Parkinson's disease," said senior author Jane Loring, a professor in the Center for Regenerative Medicine at Scripps Research, noting that "the results give confidence that personalized treatment is possible for Parkinson's disease." Especially since cells obtained from foreign bodies require additional treatment, which may be very difficult for the patient.
immune system
Loring added: "When you transplant nerve cells derived from someone else's cells, the immune system can reject those cells, which requires the use of immunosuppressive drugs that the patient's body cannot tolerate."
The researchers were also able to pinpoint the stage in cell development that transplantation should take place, pinpointing the golden thread moment in the genetic development of iPS cells.
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early stage
"At this early point in time, the cells are primed to become neurons, and when they are placed in the brain, they receive the signals to turn on those genes and finish their initial stages of development," said co-researcher Maria Lilos.
Parkinson's Disease
Although there is not yet a cure for Parkinson's disease, effective neurological therapy will be able to intervene in its progression and even reverse existing damage. Worldwide, approximately 10 million people suffer from Parkinson's disease, and there are no options available to treat symptoms that can deprive sufferers of their independence.
gene expression
"Knowing which genes are turned on in neural precursors, which are in the ideal developmental state for treating Parkinson's disease, could help researchers screen cells before transplanting them into patients," Loring said, adding that "gene expression analysis should greatly improve the likelihood of success." transplants.”

New treatments for other diseases
The researchers hope that the use of versatile iPSCs, which have a wide range of cell differentiation potential, will contribute to new therapies for Huntington's disease, heart failure and age-related macular degeneration.

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