10foods that treat stress and psychological distress
10foods that treat stress and psychological distress  11105
There is more than one way to treat stress without resorting to a doctor, including those related to sports, some that follow meditation methods such as yoga, and some that rely on food. It is certainly desirable to adopt one or more of these methods of dealing with stress , but it is also useful to identify the foods that contribute to achieving the same goal, and which are within our reach every day.
It is known that the negative effects of psychological distress that each of us is exposed to daily in one way or another (and in degrees that vary between what happens in minor disputes, up to major misfortunes), these negative effects on health come mainly from the increase in the secretion of the hormone cortisol, which contributes to a number of Damage, starting with the desire to devour sweets, to narrowing of the arteries and high pressure.
Here are the most important foods that have been proven to have a benign effect in relieving or controlling stress, and the secret behind this effect:
1All kinds of berries-
All types of berries (including regular berries, wild berries, and strawberries ) contain large amounts of antioxidants, which fight free radicals that are abundant in cases of psychological distress.
The researchers found a proliferation of a special type of white blood cells called "killer cells" in those who used to eat blueberries (a type of cranberry), and these cells have a vital role in supporting the human immune ability to fight stress .
Also, all types of berries are rich in vitamin C, which has been proven by health experts to reduce cortisol levels in the body and adjust high pressure.
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Asparagus may make your urine smell unpleasant, but this happens because it contains folate (one of the B vitamins), which plays a major role in giving you peace and calm and protecting you from anger and tension. You can eat this plant after boiling it or exposing it to steam or after it, and it is preferable if you make it a partner in every salad dish you prepare.
3Nuts (most notably walnuts, almonds and pistachios)-
In more than one previous study, walnuts have been shown to have a benign effect in enhancing mental abilities, as they contain omega-3 fatty acids, alpha-linolenic acid and other multiple phenols that support memory.
But a recent study conducted by the American National Institute of Health showed that walnuts also have an effective role in maintaining stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) within their natural limits and reducing their height.. (It is said that to get the best taste of walnuts, we have to roast them for about 10 minutes, then chop and add them for a salad bowl).
As for almonds , they are very rich in zinc, which has an important role in controlling the levels of a chemical compound linked to mood, in addition to its richness in proteins and omega-3 compounds.
As for pistachios,In one study, it was proven that eating some of its grains twice a day relieves vascular spasms that occur due to tension and result in high pressure, except for its benign effect on our mood, which comes from the “alfalfa” of its grains.
4green leafy vegetables-
These vegetables (such as spinach ) are rich in folate, which we have noted about its role in improving mood, and this is done by enhancing the secretion of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. With those who do not eat them only rarely.
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The effect of beneficial bacteria in the intestine on the brain has become known, and in a study conducted at the University of California, it was found that the consumption of prebiotics in yoghurt reduced the effectiveness of the brain regions responsible for intense emotions (including stress), and another study showed that yogurt reduced the secretion of the hormone Corticosteroids, which underlie feelings of anxiety and depression.
6Wild fish and shellfish-
Omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in fish, have a strong anti-inflammatory feature that stands in the face of the negative effects of stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) . A 20% decrease in anxiety and stress (compared to those who took a placebo). As for oysters, they are - in addition to that - a huge storehouse of zinc, which has been proven useful in fighting stress (six pieces of oysters are enough to provide our daily need of this precious metal).

Oats are one of the complex carbohydrates, which satisfies our desire for carbohydrates without causing a sudden rise in blood sugar that occurs from refined sugars and starches (such as bread and white rice). It's called beta-glucan.
8Green tea and chamomile tea-
Researchers at the University of Illinois have proven that green tea , in addition to its cancer-fighting features, brightens the mind and modifies the mood. As for ginger tea, experts at the University of Pennsylvania conducted a study that concluded that chamomile has a calming effect, and reduces symptoms of anxiety and stress.
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The unique feature of this fatty fruit is that it gives us a sense of satiety and sufficiency, which will dampen our desire to eat sugar and starches (caused by high levels of cortisone) when we suffer psychological distress. In addition, let us remember that this tropical fruit contains more than 20 essential nutrients, including vitamin E, B vitamins and potassium, and that it has the property of regulating blood sugar.
10Dark chocolate-
It's no secret that chocolate brings a sense of comfort and happiness in the soul, and the reason is that it stimulates the brain to secrete the neurotransmitter anandamide compound, which blocks feelings of pain and frustration. The Journal of Psychopharmacology called chocolate the
"new stress drug".
This is in addition to the fact that cocoa in chocolate has a relaxing effect on the arteries, which is beneficial in lowering pressure and improving perfusion of organs. The preference for dark chocolate over others comes from the fact that it contains higher percentages of cocoa and antioxidants (phenols and flavonoids).
