?What is the smartest animal in the world
?What is the smartest animal in the world 1908
Man has always dreamed of being able to better communicate with the creatures of the earth and has built some amazing relationships with dolphins, dogs, parrots, and monkeys.
The animal that seems to understand us and impress us by doing tasks never ceases to amaze him. Being human, we always think that we are the smartest at many things, but are we?
Here we present some of the smartest creatures around and explain why they are smarter than many humans.
Chimpanzees are believed to be the most intelligent animals on the planet and can manipulate the environment and their surroundings to help themselves and their community and can work out how to use things as tools to get things done faster, and they have often outsmarted people.
IN-DEPTH research has shown that a typical middle-aged pig has the intelligence of a three-year-old human and if you've ever noticed how frighteningly fast young children get to grips with complicated gadgets, phones and tablets that's impressive!
The ratio of body mass to brain is the way cows work out reasoninganimal intelligenceThese lovable creatures are larger and more self-aware, they can recognize themselves in mirrors and they can keep their appearance neat and tidy while boasting of their advanced communication skills.
Yes they just imitate what we say and that's not smart it's just imitation right? In fact, our colorful feathered friends have shown time and time again that they can solve very complex problems especially if there is some food as a reward.
And let's face it, there aren't many other creatures that can repeat human phrases either.
These large creatures cannot speak like us, but they use very complex methods to communicate with each other.
The sounds they use are very complex and the way they use this language to coordinate their movements as a team is very impressive.
And unlike some weedy humans they probably realize that if they can't think their way out of a situation they can just rely on their size and get the problem out of their way.
Watch also: A woman picks up an octopus from the sea, not knowing that it contains enough poison to kill 20 people.

Our best friend comes in at only sixth place in theClassification of intelligent animalsAnd you might not realize that the University of Glasgow and the Scottish SPCA have just come up with evidence that dogs have certain musical tastes, which is another fact that makes us love them even more.
Obviously, the researchers say, canines enjoy a bit of reggae and soft rock but find heavy metal, punk, and disco extremely distasteful.
Certainly with all of these weapons this beast is capable of unparalleled multitasking not only that but it can rely on many highly sophisticated strategies to find food.
Octopuses have also shown a knack for problem-solving during scientific tests.
The elephants
If you've memorized a bit of Shakespeare or math equations to get a pass on exams, you know the importance of memory.
Elephants of course have great memories and they also feel if you are a nice and friendly person or someone who can be nasty.
They have big brains, and they also show a lot of empathy, unlike many creatures in the animal world that deal with predators.
From big to tiny, these little smarts think in their tummies. Put some food near the squirrel and he'll work out how to get it - and fast.
They also have elephant-style memories. Needless to say, they basically remember the multiple places they secretly stored food for later.
the cats
Dogs don't like cats to laze around, yawn, eat and go back to sleep do they? In fact cats have an incredible sensory capacity and many of us don't value their mental skills because they can't be trained like dogs.
However they are very good at learning new skills and after all, they worked out how to get us idiots to run after them while they nap all day.
These rodents have long-lasting memories and are able to adapt to new surroundings. They are not everyone's favorite furry animal but they are very intelligent.
These birds are often used to pass messages, do some reconnaissance, follow commands, and call out territories.
?What is the smartest animal in the world 1-1976
This is knownmonkeysThey plan mass attacks, and it is also a fact that rhesus monkeys often showed suicidal tendencies which indicates that they are sentient beings.
If you've ever seen a horse help get an autistic child to talk for the first time, you'll know how incredibly intelligent and compassionate they are.
Able to follow very complex commands even under pressure, we're surprised they haven't moved up our rankings.
These animals are capable of highly complex social hierarchies and relationships, far more complex (and useful) than the human behavior you'll witness on social media.
How did the wise old owl come so low in our rankings? It's even more surprising that owls have been recognized for their intelligence as far back as the ancient Greeks, who almost invented intellect, believed that owls were the epitome of intelligence.
It's funny that they are not as smart in solving some tasks as most other types of birds, and compared to parrots they are pretty much stupid.

Put on that stupid cap and head off to the back of the classroom!

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