What to do in Montpellier? The 19 must-see places
What to do in Montpellier? The 19 must-see places 1912
Montpellier is one of the most attractive cities in the south of France and is one of the must-see places to visit in the Hérault department . It is an elegant city, with Mediterranean charm and which has a dense and varied cultural offer. The many students who put their suitcases there each year contribute greatly to the surrounding dynamism. It is necessary to take the time during a stay to be interested in its history, especially by strolling in the streets and alleys of the historic medieval center, the Ecusson. But Montpellier is also a metropolis turned towards the future,and many are the contemporary architects to develop projects in the new districts. In order to realize all that the city has to offer, here are the essentials, the places not to be missed under any circumstances.
1. Take a guided tour of the city center
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Montpellier is a city with a rich architectural heritage that absolutely must be discovered during a getaway. A good way to dive into the heart of the city's history is to take part in a guided tour. The Montpellier Tourist Office offers several thematic visits on this subject, some of which focus on the historic center (the Shield). We then dive into a thousand years of history along the alleys and we let ourselves be told the story of the most emblematic monuments such as the Arc de Triomphe and the mikvah. We also have the opportunity to access places inaccessible to the public in normal times.
2. The charm of the Peyrou promenade
What to do in Montpellier? The 19 must-see places 1-1980
This walk, which culminates at a height of 53 meters, takes place in the continuity of the royal alley of Montpellier, the avenue Foch. We then leave from the Arc de Triomphe and reach the Esplanade des Arceaux, to end with a breathtaking view of the hinterland and the coast. Its construction began in 1689 and ended at the beginning of the 18th century . We stroll there along straight paths where there are plane trees, then we take the time to admire the gardens and the ponds. On the Peyrou promenade , you also come across some very beautiful monuments such as the equestrian statue of Louis XIV and the old water tower, in the neoclassical style. It's todaya place very popular with locals, who come here to rest, play pétanque and young people don't hesitate to take out their instruments to chat to a few musical notes.
3. What to do in Montpellier? Visit the Fabre museum, an exceptional monument
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This place, which mixes ancient and contemporary architecture, is one of the most important museums in Europe and takes visitors on an artistic journey through the centuries. It houses some of the finest French public collections, constantly enriched by major donations, such as that of Pierre Soulages. Visitors follow a chronological route that allows them to admire works from the 14th century .century to the present day. The styles represented are varied, we have the opportunity to see Flemish paintings with Rubens and Ruisdael, neoclassicism with Fabre and Houdon or even romanticism with Guéricault and Delacroix. It is at the end of the journey that we discover the new wing, with the works of the Pierre Soulages donation and others by contemporary artists.
4. The beauty of mansions
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Montpelier is home to nearly 80 mansions. At the end of the wars of religion, the city was rebuilt and it was then that the first mansions appeared. Construction will continue until the 18th century . These are exceptional places for the beauty of their facade, windows, balconies and interior decorations. Although most of these hotels are private and closed, you can take advantage of an open door to admire the interior courtyards, but you can also contact the Tourist Office, which organizes visits to some of them. We discover in particular the Hôtel de Varennes, place Pétrarque, whose vaults lead to Gothic rooms. Upstairs take place the museums of Old Montpellier and Fougau.the Hôtel des Trésoriers de la Bourse , the only mansion to have a formal garden. An amazing place.
5. Flaugergues Castle, marvel of the south
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This sublime 18th century building is also a haven of greenery in the city of Montpellier. The place is classified as a Historic Monument, so there is a sublime Tuscan-style residence , owned by the Colbert family, as well as remarkable labeled gardens. Inside the castle, we discover an excessive staircase which represents a quarter of the total volume of the residence. You should also take the time to contemplate the refinement of the furniture and the very beautiful Flemish tapestries that adorn the walls. After strolling through the verdant gardens, it's time to stop for a wine tasting, since the wine-growing activity is still de rigueur in this Montpellier "Madness".
6. What to do in Montpellier? Relax at the Lunaret Zoological Park
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The Lunaret zoo is a vast park of 80 hectares which belongs to the city and a wonderful place to stroll with the family and amaze the children. It is the second largest zoological park in France. Take advantage of 11 km of trails where you can discover animals from all over the world. Lions, giraffes, brown bears, cheetahs, rhinos, lemurs, ostriches, the list is long and there is plenty to see. Note that access to the entire park is free, another good reason to take advantage of this place and the richness of its fauna during a Sunday walk or vacation.
7. Stroll around the Sabatier d'Espeyran decorative arts museum
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The Hôtel de Cabrières-Sabatier d'Espeyran, built in 1874-1875, now houses the decorative arts department. This very beautiful residence presents to the public the living environments of aristocratic and bourgeois societies of the 18th and 19th centuries . The decorations of the lounges have been completely restored so that visitors can dive into the heart of a journey through time. The place reveals a formidable collection of ceramics and goldsmith's pieces and of course you have to stop in front of the furniture to see all the splendor and finesse of the details. This museum, a remarkable monument, was awarded the “Maison des Illustres” prize in 2013 by the Ministry of Culture and Communication.
8. The Amazonian greenhouse, the other highlight of the Lunaret Zoo
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The Amazon greenhouse is part of the Lunaret Zoological Park . Thanks to its exceptional scenography, visitors take a real walk in the heart of the tropical forest . We start from the mangrove then we reach the heights of the canopy. With more than 3,500 plant species, it is a real Amazonian setting that is recreated and the impression of being elsewhere throughout the visit. Visiting this place is also becoming aware of its fragility and the threat hanging over the Amazonian forest, which is disappearing at a frightening rate. A real visual and educational stroll awaits the public.
9. The Arc de Triomphe, a must-see monument in Montpellier
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Impossible to stop in Montpellier without taking the time to see one of its main monuments, the Arc de Triomphe. It was designed by the architect François II d'Orbay and dates from 1691. It bears a disconcerting resemblance to the Porte Saint-Martin in Paris. We observe the medallions, the top dyed in yellow and ocher as well as the royal coat of arms in blue color of France. Built to the glory of Louis VIX and on his orders, it is a must to enter the city from the Peyrou park. Through a guided tour, the ascent of some 90 steps allows you to enjoy a sublime view of Montpellier and its surroundings.
10. Saint-Pierre Cathedral, looking like a fortress
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The first thing that catches the eye once you arrive in front of this monument is its massive appearance. This work was commissioned by Pope Urban V in 1364, before becoming a cathedral in 1536. You almost have the impression of entering a medieval fortress, in particular by the presence of the two towers which overlook an imposing close. In southern Gothic style, it is the only medieval church in the Écusson district to have survived the Wars of Religion. Once inside, we have the opportunity to see a work by Sébastien Bourdon and we plunge into the heart of the artistic life of the city in the 17th century .
11. Place de la Comédie and Esplanade Charles de Gaulle
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Decorated with its Fountain of the Three Graces, the Place de la Comédie, dating from 1776, is the true heart of the inner city. The theater (Opéra Comédie) rises on the south-west side of this square and the grand boulevards spring from it towards the old town, nicknamed the Ecusson. In this district, magnificent private mansions, mentioned above, are hidden behind modest facades. From Place de la Comédie, the Charles de Gaulle esplanade, shaded by plane trees, leads to the Corum, a building erected in 1990 by Claude Vasconi. From its terrace, the panoramic view of the Beaux-Arts district and the surrounding countryside is breathtaking.
12. Stroll through the Jardin des Plantes in Montpellier
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It is the oldest botanical garden in France: this green park, whose origin dates back to 1593 following the request of Henri IV, has been transformed into a garden made up of a diversity of plants from all the regions. Over the centuries, this space has evolved and been enriched, hosting tropical greenhouses, an orangery, an English-style garden and a variety of other species . It is said that the poet Paul Valéry would have composed some verses in this place. Among its attractions are the tropical greenhouses, as well as a 200-year-old ginkgo (or silver apricot) tree, and a phillyrea latifolia dating from the 16th or 17th century ,hiding messages between the cracks of its gnarled trunk.
13. What to do in Montpellier? Visit the Museum of Anatomy
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Both a research tool and a space for discovery, the Montpellier Anatomy Museum traces the evolution of the medical discipline with nearly 13,000 objects and casts, which allow you to visualize the advances in medical techniques. Through representations in wax, plaster and specimens preserved in jars, the museum offers a fascinating insight into human bodies, pathologies and anatomy, thus constituting a heritage of great value. Sometimes dubbed "the Museum of Horrors", this strange and singular museum is among the best in the world in its field and houses a variety of authentic specimens. You'll pass skulls, hearts, livers, deformed lungs and even a two-headed fetus, preserved for centuries in glass jars.
14. The Atger Museum
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Just next to the Anatomy Museum, don't forget to visit the Atger Museum, the oldest in Montpellier. Formerly a Benedictine monastery, this museum is now devoted to the collection of Xavier Atger (1758-1833), an enthusiast of prints and drawings who bequeathed his collection to the university when he passed away. This collection includes one thousand drawings and five thousand prints from the French, Italian and Flemish schools of the 16th , 17th and 18th centuries , works by masters such as Rubens, Tiepolo, Carracci and Fragonard. Something to delight art lovers!
15. Stroll through the unmissable Antigone district
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This emblematic district of Montpellier attracts visitors at all hours, offering a harmonious balance between shops, residences and places of interest. Initiated thanks to the impulse of Georges Frêche, the essential district of Antigone embodies the very essence of Montpellier . Designed by the Catalan architect Ricardo Bofill, this space extends from the Hôtel de Région, crosses the Esplanade de l'Europe, winds between buildings of neoclassical inspiration and ends near the Polygone shopping center. It manages to combine shops, homes and points of interest with remarkable harmony. Although its style borrows elements from ancient Greece, it blends smoothly into the urban fabric.attracting people throughout the day.
16. Take a tour of the new Halles Laissac
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Nestled in front of the Babotte tower and inaugurated on December 1, 2018 , the Halles Laissac are a must during a visit to Montpellier. They are a real paradise for gourmets : there is a wine merchant, a seller of authentic Corsican products and even a pastry chef known for his exquisite macaroons. You will also be able to cook meat and fish on site. These new halls symbolize the renewal of this district, absolutely worth a getaway. They are open Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., as well as Sunday from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
For gourmets, you can participate in a fun and friendly workshop with the program of making a dish or a pastry alongside a chef with more than 30 years of experience.
17. Take a boat trip on the Montpellier coast
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Taking a boat trip along the coast of Montpellier is an original way to discover the coastal landscapes of Montpellier and its coastline which has a rich and unique biodiversity. For example, you can choose to start your sea trip at the port of Palavas-les-Flots near Montpellier for a boat trip that will allow you to discover the landscapes of Occitania along the water. During this sea trip, you can also admire the ponds of Or and Arnel, Vic and Moures, Sète, Agde as well as the Camargue National Park... You can for example book this excursion Half-day boat trip on the Etang de Thau in the company of a local fisherman.
18. What to do in Montpellier? Taste local wines and gastronomy
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Located in the heart of the world's leading wine region, Montpellier is in Languedoc-Roussillon, a region whose wines are of high quality, especially red wines. Do not miss this opportunity to taste the wines of Pic Saint-Loup or those of the Terrasses du Larzac. To accompany a seafood dish, Picpoul-de-Pinet, a white wine, is an ideal choice.
Regarding its gastronomy, Montpellier draws heavily on Mediterranean influences. Many restaurants in the city offer dishes based on mussels, crab, oysters and delicious fish stews, especially in the Beaux-Arts district. Before leaving the city, don't forget to slip a box of Grisettes into your suitcase, these honey and liquorice sweets made in Montpellier since medieval times and whose traditional packaging is very recognizable.
We advise you to book this picturesque getaway which will introduce you to the wonderful countryside of Montpellier. You will visit two charming vineyards at Pic Saint-Loup, meet the winemaker, do a tasting and experience a meal on the farm, in a family home.
19. What to do around Montpellier? Take a hike on the Pic Saint-Loup
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Located about twenty kilometers north of Montpellier, the Pic Saint-Loup is a steep mountain whose summit rises to 658 meters and which is surrounded by limestone walls and vineyards, emblematic of the south of France. Its imposing silhouette can be admired from vast stretches of the Hérault department, inspiring inspiration for hikers and climbers. On foot, the ascent of Pic Saint-Loup can be undertaken from the southern flank, taking a six-kilometre-long path from Cazevieille. You can also choose the route from Saint-Mathieu-de-Trviers which will take you past the Château de Montferrand.
Tempted by a getaway in the great outdoors? We advise you to book this guided hike which will allow you to discover the picturesque beauty of the Pic Saint-Loup and admire spectacular views of the Cévennes and the Mediterranean Sea.
?Where to stay in Montpellier
Montpellier offers a variety of accommodation options to suit all tastes and budgets. The easiest way is to stay in the center near the places to visit. If you want to be in the heart of the action, the historic center (Écusson) is an excellent choice. You will be close to major attractions, restaurants, shops and lively squares. The area around the famous Place de la Comédie also offers easy access to public transport, shops and restaurants.
!Here are our favorite establishments
- The best location: Enjoying an exceptional location, close to the train station, the Place de la Comédie and the Écusson, the Hotel Aragon is the ideal starting point for all travelers discovering Montpellier. Go here to book your room.
- The most authentic: Hôtel des Arceaux, a former bourgeois residence from the 19th century transformed into a refined 3-star hotel full of charm and authenticity. Tent ? Click here to book your stay.
- The most luxurious: Located a few minutes from the historic center, the Pullman Pléiade hotel is a 4-star hotel equipped with a rooftop by the swimming pool with a panoramic restaurant. Check hotel rates and availability right here!

?What to do in Montpellier for young people
As an incredibly lively city, Montpellier is emerging as a top destination for a family getaway. The metropolis offers a full range of activities for all tastes and especially for children and young people . Whether it is to explore cultural places, have fun in the heart of the city in a playful way, or even enjoy spaces that highlight nature and ecology, Montpellier has pleasant moments for everyone. Under a radiant sun - and it is well known that Montpellier is one of the sunniest destinations in France - or in more capricious weather, the capital of the Hérault never fails to amaze and conceals more than one surprise in its bag .
?What to do in Montpellier for a bachelor party
It's official, your best friend is about to take the leap and exchange her vows in just a few months! Before the big day, it is up to the witnesses to orchestrate the bachelor party, a moment dedicated to getting together with friends and marking the last hours of celibacy. You have chosen Montpellier as your destination for this special moment and you are wondering what to do during these few days? Rest assured, from creative and culinary workshops to outdoor adventures, convivial meals and photo shoots, Montpellier offers a variety of activities to try out because it's not for nothing that it's one of the of the most popular EVJF destinations in France. Discover here our dedicated article "What activities to plan for a bachelor party in Montpellier?" to help you organize a memorable bachelorette party weekend!
?What to do around Montpellier
Wondering what to do around Montpellier? Here are some suggestions for things to do around the city:
- Visit the beaches of the Mediterranean coast, such as those of Palavas-les-Flots, Carnon, La Grande-Motte or even Sète, for a day of relaxation in the sun and water sports.
- Discover the Camargue nature reserve, famous for its wildlife, salt marshes and emblematic white horses. Safaris and guided tours are available to better understand this unique region.
- The surroundings of Montpellier offer superb hiking opportunities, especially towards the Pic Saint-Loup or the Gorges de l'Hérault, to explore the natural landscapes and admire the panoramic views.

?Which cities to visit around Montpellier
Around Montpellier you will find several interesting towns to visit, each offering its own charm, heritage and attractions. Here are some of the cities worth exploring near Montpellier:
- Set off to discover charming medieval and picturesque villages such as Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, ranked among the most beautiful villages in France. Do you want to discover the beauty of Mourèze, Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert and Lake Salagou? This guided excursion departing from Montpellier will allow you to admire magnificent natural landscapes and old historic villages.
- Visit the fortified town of Aigues-Mortes, with its well-preserved medieval ramparts, cobbled streets and craft shops.
- Take a trip to Nîmes to discover its Roman amphitheater, the Maison Carrée and the other vestiges of Roman history in the region.

Source: websites