"28billion light years away"... A picture of the farthest star ever
"28billion light years away"... A picture of the farthest star ever 12298
Astronomers use a telescope
The James Webb satellite to observe "Earendel", the most distant star ever discovered, according to what was reported by "CNN".
The star "Earendel" is so far away that the starlight detected by the Webb telescope was released in the first billion years of the age of the #universe , and the age of the universe is estimated at about 13.8 billion years.
Previous estimates put the star at 12.9 billion light-years away from Earth, but given the expansion of the universe and the time it took for light to reach us, astronomers believe that Eärendel is currently 28 billion light-years away.
Webb's observations have revealed stunning new images of the distant star.
"28billion light years away"... A picture of the farthest star ever 1-1994
Eärendel is a massive B-type star about a million times brighter than our Sun and twice as hot.
The star is located in the Sunrise Bow galaxy and can only be seen because a massive cluster of galaxies called WHL0137-08, a group of galaxies between Earth and Eärendel, has amplified the distant star's light.

Massive stars like Eärendel usually have companion stars, and while astronomers didn't expect to be able to spot one, the colors detected by the James Webb telescope indicate the possibility of a red companion star.

Source: websites