A group exhibition celebrating the aesthetic depths of Essaouira
A group exhibition celebrating the aesthetic depths of Essaouira 1383
The theme of “Aesthetic Depths in Essaouira” is the subject of an exhibition by a group of Souiri plastic artists, which was hosted yesterday, Sunday, in the Bab Marrakesh gallery in the city of Winds, on the occasion of the anniversary of the revolution of the king and the people and the Youth Day.
The demonstration, which is organized in partnership with the Prefecture of the Province of Essaouira and the Regional Directorate of Culture, and in coordination with the Essaouira Mogador Association, and continues until the 31st of this month, calls on those who are eager to “travel in joyful worlds, as I have ably painted the fingers of 11 Sowerian artists, who have experienced colors, shapes and symbols. To the depths of the city of Essaouira and their paintings reflected it.
The exceptional talent of these artists (Shama Attar, Abdullah Arbaia, Abdullah Awlameen, Ahmed Harrouz, Muhammad al-Tabbal, Nadia Awshater, Wafaa al-Hadary, Mustafa Boumzog, Halima Slika, Fatima al-Zahraa al-Kuwehi, and Ali Maymoun) “is evident in their ability to interpret captivating scents and sounds.” The navy of this ancient city, with deep inspiration from its architectural, cultural, and spiritual heritage, in addition to the effects of the first generation working in various artistic, musical and poetic genres. Thus, each one of them, in his unique style, “reveals the imprint and the true artistic movement of this city. Where their eyes turn to Suwayrian daily living, preserving their authenticity by avoiding any tendency towards artificial reproduction,” according to what was stated in the presentation paper for this group exhibition.
The artist, Ahmed Harrouz, said that this exhibition is an opportunity to bring together a large number of Sowerian artists known for their experience and works that reflect a complete history of the city of winds, and from which they are inspired to express their thoughts and feelings about life in general and some dimensions of existence that concern them in particular. He explained, in a statement to the media, that the matter is related to a group of artists known for their contribution and commitment to the advancement of the plastic arts in the region, while expressing themselves spontaneously and combining academic and deep thinking on humanitarian issues.
A group exhibition celebrating the aesthetic depths of Essaouira 1-748
He highlighted that they also deal with the deep philosophical vision of art in order to express all human values, based on their own style, to convey messages about aesthetics, coexistence and peace.
For her part, Mrs. Attar expressed her desire to see more exhibitions in the gallery of Bab Marrakech, which has been renovated and restored to host this type of artistic demonstrations and other events.
And she highlighted the diversity of the artworks presented, expressing her satisfaction with this group exhibition, which served as a space for reunion and meeting between this group of Soirian artists.

In a similar statement, she revealed that another exhibition is being prepared, noting that such initiatives encourage thinking about other large-scale demonstrations.

Source: websites