10qualities that a man loves in a woman more than beauty
10qualities that a man loves in a woman more than beauty 12439
Beauty is not among them.. 10 qualities that a man loves in a woman. Do you possess them?
It is no secret to anyone that human relationships are among the most complex things in human history, and therefore most new relationships begin the opposite way they end. It is natural for new relationships to begin with more feelings and of course strong attraction between the two parties, but they may fail in the long run if both parties do not They find their way to agree on certain points, which is why a new study was published by the Department of Human Sciences at the Brazilian Federal University about specific characteristics that a woman has that make a man fall in love with her, and beauty is not among those characteristics.
A woman is naturally capable of discovering a man’s inner being and the feelings he may be hiding towards her, unlike a man who cannot hide his feelings for a long time. The study revealed that men who are rational and follow logic in their life calculations always fall victim to the emotional complexities we talked about, and often cannot recognize them. On the complex emotions of women.
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Also, a woman's rejection of an unsuitable man comes early, because she lets her emotions take control in distinguishing and analyzing things, while a man is not able to reject a woman as quickly. Rather, he is under the weight of emotional analysis and turns into a victim of deep thinking, and he may be unable to make the appropriate decision towards that woman. The study considered women to be more intelligent than men in the field of emotional, social and human relations and more fluid in making decisions and determining the fate of the relationship.
A man is between love and attraction
The study confirmed that a man naturally searches for the characteristics of a woman that are appropriate from his point of view and that may help him go through the emotional journey and fall in love with her. Despite the difference in tastes, a percentage exceeding 60% of men confuse the two states of love and attraction, and here the study explains the difference between In both cases, love must be based on many aspects, including intimacy, which does not end with the passage of time, but the only intimate attraction is the speed with which it ends, and this is what the study alerted men to, which is the attempt to differentiate between relationships based on love or relationships that fall under attraction only. .
?Who is the woman that a man falls in love with
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Once a man reaches the stage of knowing the difference between love and attraction - only then will he be fully aware of how to choose the woman he will fall in love with, just as the specifications of attractiveness are clear and well-known, and the traveler must be well aware of understanding those specifications, and realize that the overwhelming desire for a woman means attraction and stops at This is the limit, and for whom a true relationship based on love goes beyond what we imagine.
That is why we will sail together on the journey of discovering the characteristics of a woman who can make a man fall in love with her:-
Firstly, women are a source of pride:
There is no doubt that a man wants to be associated with a woman who will be a source of pride when she is next to him, and the study confirmed that this represents a large percentage of desire for those who want in a woman whom they may be proud of, and it enumerated the source of pride in women from the beginning of good taste until Tact in speech and of course, especially intelligence.
Second: A happy woman:
A man also prefers a woman who is happy with herself, because that means that she will make those around her happy. Of course, she will make the one she loves happy, and this facilitates the way for men to fall in love with her, which is what actually happens with the majority of men.
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Third: A woman who respects herself and is respected by others:
Men do not like easy women, and the study confirmed that the percentage of men exceeding 70% do not see a woman who brands herself at all, and what is known is that a man enjoys winning a woman who is difficult for others to reach, a woman who She forces others to respect her, and this is because she basically respects herself. Some men even fall in love with a woman who asks him to respect her, and to show her human worth to him all the time.
Fourth.. The woman he is afraid of losing:
A man must fear losing his wife, and that he will not be able to live if she loses her. This, while happening, is the first sign that the man has fallen in love with the woman whom he cannot imagine losing or the idea of abandoning him and continuing without her in life. .
Fifth.. Distinctive women:
A man’s freedom of evaluation gives him the freedom to choose a woman. He does not enjoy advantages that women may not have in some societies. If a man can get to know women without restrictions, then the man can fall in love with a different woman who may She is distinguished from her counterparts from his point of view. Then the man will fall in love with that woman, and this is what the study confirmed.
Sixth: A woman who is far from the complexities of life:
A man does not want to be associated with a complicated woman, of course, and he does not want to love a woman who might complicate his life by being intrusive in his behavior or who suffers from excessive jealousy. In short, he does not want to feel that the woman is his prison and restriction. The study confirmed that the man They escape from falling in love with a woman who has suffered from psychological problems. They desire a woman who is easy-going and gentle.
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Seventh: The woman who arouses his interest:
Fun and wit are two sides of the same coin. She must be the title of a woman who is able to arouse a man’s interest and who will be ready to fall in love with her immediately, so that he does not miss the opportunity and fall in love with a boring and complaining woman.
Eighth: The strong, compassionate woman “Al-Sanad”:
She will grow in the eyes of the man every day, and the main reason for falling in love with her forever will be for the woman to be affectionate and able to be behind the man’s back without him asking for it, for the woman to take care of the small matters before the big ones, and to give the man help without asking for it and without making her feel his lack of prestige. All of this will make the man a prisoner of that woman's love.
Ninth: Having a sense of humor
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A laughing embrace is also important. A woman who gives her life partner a laugh may be more important than a gift that is not at the right time. A man will inevitably fall in love with that woman who has a sense of humor and plays the role of a “stress breaker” daily and relieves the usual pressures of daily life.
Tenth: A woman who accepts faults:
Accept me as I am and I will love you for the rest of my life. This is the key for any man. By nature, men do not accept criticism except a few of them, and they prefer a woman who realizes that a man is not perfect all the time and cannot be like that by human nature.

At the end of the article, we want to have succeeded in summarizing the magical qualities to know what a man loves in a woman more than beauty or the formal qualities of beauty, but rather the most important content. If you liked the article, share it with your friends, and if you do not like it, we are always waiting for your suggestions.

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