The poet Hamo Khalla, in his poetry, Tamdiazt, laments the martyrs of the armed resistance and the Liberation Army against French colonialism
The poet Hamo Khalla, in his poetry, Tamdiazt, laments the martyrs of the armed resistance and the Liberation Army against French colonialism 1407
The poet Hamou Khalla in his poetry Tamdiazt laments the martyrs of the armed resistance and the Liberation Army against French colonialism on the sidelines of the National Forum for the Amazighs of Morocco in its second edition, held in the city of Khenifra on June 2, 3 and 4, 2023.

It is noteworthy that the forum was organized by the newspaper “The Amazigh World” and the “International Amazigh Rally” organization, in cooperation with the Association of “Teachers of the Amazigh Language in the Fez/Meknes Region” and the “Ayadina” Association in Khenifra, with the support of the German Foundation “Friedrich Naumann for Freedom.” On the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of the founding of “Al-Alam Amazigh” newspaper, which was established on May 30, 2001.

Source: websites