They found a Roman treasure worth millions of dollars in the morning, only to be cursed with gold in the evening
They found a Roman treasure worth millions of dollars in the morning, only to be cursed with gold in the evening 11146
This story happened northwest of Aleppo, in the village of Kafr Natin in the Darat Azza district, which is located 25 kilometers from the city of Aleppo.
It is also located 5 kilometers away from the Castle of Simon the Stylite, which is considered a historical church inhabited by Saint Simon the Zealot, Cananeus, where he worshiped on a column whose base still exists.
The village of Kafr Natin is considered an extension of a series of archaeological villages, the ruins of which are still present to this day. Kafr Natan is located between four archaeological points approximately the same distance away from it in the four directions.
It is located in the center and to the east it is bordered by the ruins of Sikh Suleiman.
To the west is the Darat Azza area, to the north is the Qalaat and Deir Simaan area, and to the south is the ancient Al-Mashabak Palace.
The story began when children from the village were playing in an archaeological ruin, and one of the children moved a stone from the side of the archaeological wall.
So he could hit Al-Dahiya with a “spherical piece of glass.” He saw a gold piece that came out in front of him and he liked its shape and shine without knowing its value.
The child took the golden cat and took it home, showing it to his father, who showed signs of astonishment and astonishment at what the child had found.
Immediately, he asked his son to show him the place where he found the gold piece, and he sent news to three of his friends who were keeping the secret.
As is known, this is the case in Syria under Assad’s rule.
It is considered a crime that may require imprisonment for twenty-five years with hard labor and a fine, the consequences of which only God knows.
The important thing is that the four met and agreed to search for the location of the piece secretly and exclusively at night.
Because no one can walk around the village in the evening, and no one can come to it from outside.
Searching and digging began, and after a few days the priceless treasure was reached.
After a while, as they mentioned, they extracted a single golden jar, divided it, and each of them went on his way as if nothing had happened.
Spread the news of finding buried treasure
One day the news spread, and one of the village residents asked for a share of the treasure, but they flatly refused, so he committed an act that made them regret it for the rest of their lives.
He went and informed the police in Darat Azza, and early in the morning the villagers woke up to huge sounds that they had never heard before.
There was no security branch left in Aleppo Governorate that did not come and storm the homes of the four partners.
They dragged them by their feet and took them to the Military Security branch in Aleppo.
Every branch head wants his share, and they all sent their patrols because, in their view, it is an issue that affects national security in Syria.
The important thing is that the investigation began smoothly with them and with a kind word, but they did not take a single word from them, as they categorically denied the matter.
The death throes came, and the torture and beatings began in a way that no one could bear, for days without sleep or food.
So everyone decided to tell the truth and rid themselves of what happened to them, and they were proud that they had found a jar full of gold in an archaeological site in the heart of the village.
A patrol headed to the area and they took out the gold from the place where it had been buried. It was a large amount of Roman gold liras.
The gold arrived in Aleppo, and the officials stole the large amount and left some gold liras as proof of the involvement of these four young men.
The suddenness that shattered dreams
Then they asked them to investigate again, but they did not know what was waiting for them. They were shocked when they heard the investigator’s words: Where are the second and third jars?
Experts have uncovered a buried treasure and estimated that it contains three golden urns, the investigator says,
The young men's veins froze and they were unable to utter a single word. All they did was faint and they were all fainted.
They took them back to the investigation room and beat them until they were torn apart from pain.
They signed pre-written confessions and were fined millions of liras at the time.
The village residents met and decided to go to a senior official in the regime so that they could rid their children of this matter. What they wanted was done, but the price was very high.
They paid what was above and below them as a bribe until they extricated themselves from that predicament.
They were an example to those behind them, and residents no longer thought about approaching an ancient stone, even at a distance of a kilometer.

Source: websites