35th anniversary of the death of “Abdelkader Meksa”
35th anniversary of the death of “Abdelkader Meska” 1--237
October 30, 1988: 35th anniversary of the death of "Abdelkader Meksa" (1954-1988), born June 4, 1954 in Mira (Timizart) in Algeria, died in Paris on October 30, 1988 in Créteil (France), at the age of 34 , is an Algerian singer of Kabyle expression. He is buried in his wandering village in Mira (Timizart), his native village, near his parents, leaving to Kabyle and Amazigh culture 24 wonderful works spread over a single and five albums:
1975: “Loundja”
1978: “Tafunast Igujilen”
1980: “Amnekcem”
1982: “Tiqbayliyin”
1988: “Amghar azemni”

Abdelkader Meksa arrived in Paris in October 1976, where he met Nathalie, a musician. They both settled in Épinay-sur-Seine, and had two children, a boy born in 1979 named Darius who died as a baby, and a girl named Floriane-Missiva born in 1980.
Abdelkader Meksa, is a storyteller and singer, who tells the history of Numidia in songs. He is the author of famous songs like “Massinissa”, “Loundja”, “Tafsut”, which brought him notable success in the 1980s.
He played a leading role in the revitalization of Berber song in the 1970s, in the movement for the renewal of modern song led by Idir, Ferhat, Chenoud, Djamel Allam, Les Abranis, Inasliyen, Tagrawla, Brahim Izri, Nabet etc...
35th anniversary of the death of “Abdelkader Meska” 1-613
Meksa Abdelkader records her first album, Loundja, legend of the beautiful daughter of the ogress; then Tafsut which describes the old celebration of this season. In 1976, he flew to France and released another album with Assif (Rivière), Anzar (the rain) and Andakwen a-wid issefrun (where are the poets?) In 1979, Meksa Abdelkader returned with another album entitled Tafunast Igujilen (The orphans' cow) Zelgum (Princess famous for impossible loves), Arzez d-tzizwa (The bee and the wasp). The same year, Meksa Abdelkader gave a concert at the Atlas Hall (Algiers) and achieved the coronation. In 1980, he recorded a third album Amnekcem (the colonialist). It is still decided to stay in France. “It’s to improve myself further in music; every drop of my blood is a musical note,” he said to Sans frontières on December 18, 1981. We remember the big concert given at the Sidi Fredj hall in Algiers on July 31, 1976, where he participated alongside Léo Ferré and Gilbert Lerroux.

The official version of Abdelkader Meksa's death is that he "was murdered with a blunt object, a blow to the temple" which caused a cerebral hemorrhage on October 30, 1988.

Source: websites