Warning about the danger of “feeling lonely” in diabetics.. This is what causes it
Warning about the danger of “feeling lonely” in diabetics.. This is what causes it 12625
Scientists have emphasized the importance of social relationships aimed at maintaining good health - c00
A new medical study has warned that feeling lonely may increase the risk of heart disease in diabetics, as scientists have found that loneliness is one of the most dangerous factors for coronary heart disease.
The British PA Media agency said: The results of the research, published in the European Heart Journal, highlight the importance of social relationships aimed at staying healthy.
Warning about the danger of “feeling lonely” in diabetics.. This is what causes it 1-2810
The scientists searched an online database of medical and lifestyle records for more than half a million Britons, including more than 18,000 adults aged between 37 and 73 who had diabetes but had no heart disease at the start of the decade-long study. Time.
The researchers used questionnaires to assess loneliness and other factors that may affect relationships, such as body mass index, physical activity, diet, alcohol, smoking, medications, blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar control.
The researchers confirmed that those with the highest levels of loneliness had a 26% greater risk of developing heart disease, compared to people with lower levels of loneliness.
Warning about the danger of “feeling lonely” in diabetics.. This is what causes it 1-2811
In a previous study, scientists found that one of the factors causing type 2 diabetes, which constitutes about 95 percent of cases around the world, is related to poor diet, based on an analysis of data from 184 countries collected during 1990-2018.
Type 2 diabetes is considered a disease that affects the way the body “regulates the movement of glucose and uses it to provide your body with energy, and when mixed with a large amount in the blood, it leads to high levels that lead to disorders in the circulatory system, nervous and immune systems,” according to the Mayo Clinic website.
Warning about the danger of “feeling lonely” in diabetics.. This is what causes it 1--1384
This type of diabetes usually appears in adults, but it may appear in children or adolescents, especially those with obesity.

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