! Do Not Criticize Any Mother .. Enough For Her Constant Feeling Of Guilt
! Do Not Criticize Any Mother .. Enough For Her Constant Feeling Of Guilt 1983 
Exhaustion of the mother: the mother feels guilty if her child cries or suffers, feels guilt if she goes to work and leaves him, even if she contributes to the material expenses at home, feels guilt if she eats alone and if she laughs without her child, feels guilty if she gets a little rest, and in her opinion her child always needs to be near him. She even feels guilty if she falls ill, and cannot get up to meet the needs of her child or children.
She feels guilty even towards her husband, as she no longer dedicates time to him because of the multiplication of responsibilities on her shoulders. And towards her mother because she could no longer sit with her to talk and relieve her after her father's death, and towards her little brother with whom she had a strong relationship before she got so preoccupied with him, that she was like his psychological counselor when he gets into trouble, and now she forgets to call him even by phone. And the direction of her friend, who suffers from problems in her life with her husband, and she can no longer support and support her and stay close to her for lack of time.
She feels guilty towards everyone but herself!!!
Do not feel guilty if the whole day has passed and she forgot to eat because she was preoccupied with taking care of her children and the rest of the responsibilities that no one else has.
She does not feel guilty if she neglects herself to the point of illness, as long as her children are fine.
Do not feel guilty if you feel that she is the saddest person in the universe and that she cannot find a way to smile after she has been working all day like a robot and forgot how people rejoice and enjoy the details of life. It's okay, her children are happy.
And do not feel guilty if you forget what a female looks like after neglecting herself for this long. And when you look in the mirror and wonder where is that girl in her twenties who was full of happiness 
?and life. Who is this miserable, weary woman? where am I
Don't feel guilty if she feels so tired and does n't say a word because she must be strong for her children and family. She must fulfill her role as a mother and wife with happiness and satisfaction.
After all of this, a relative, friend or neighbor comes to accuse her of negligence or criticize her for educational matters or matters related to her interest in her husband and the cleanliness of the house.
 ! Do Not Criticize Any Mother .. Enough For Her Constant Feeling Of Guilt 2597
I confess, before I got married, I was one of those theorists.
I was wondering how a mother could leave her baby crying in bed for some time and found out that they cry all the time. I was wondering how that mother screams at her children, and I discovered that we reach moments when we lose our minds from fatigue, and those little ones who run around the house all day are a little naughty... No, very! I considered that a mother should be fair between her children, until I discovered that every child imposes his personality in his own way, and everyone gets his right in the end except for the mother.
 Now that I'm a mother feeling full of guilt, I'm starting to understand that these words of theorizing are very painful and upsetting. And that the mother sees the person who criticizes as sitting in an ivory tower, in a world different from her own, while she is trying the impossible to be an ideal mother.
Now I'm sitting in the wrecked sitting-room drinking my cold cup of coffee in stages and three kids jumping around and yelling "Mama" more than they breathe, wondering how long it will take for this marathon day to end and I'm lying in bed for a few hours.
For everyone who criticizes a mother from his ivory tower, remember my words well when you become mothers, and you feel the desire to search for every mother you have ever bothered to apologize to her. Indeed, every mother's constant feeling of guilt is sufficient.