A view of Horemheb from his tomb in Saqqara
A view of Horemheb from his tomb in Saqqara  1----505
Horemheb is shown sitting on a cushioned chair, wearing a long wig, wearing elaborate linen, and holding a sceptre in front of an offering table. Horemheb became the last king in the late eighteenth dynasty after the death of Tutankhamun.
Hor or Heb was the last pharaoh of the Eighteenth Egyptian Dynasty in the history of ancient Egypt. He was the Pharaoh of Egypt from 1338 to late 1308 BC in the era of the New Kingdom.
Before becoming pharaoh, Horemheb was the commander-in-chief of the army during the reign of Tutankhamun and Ay.
After ascending the throne, he reformed the Egyptian state, and during his reign official measures began against the former Amarna rulers and their policies. As a result, he is considered the ruler who restored stability to his country after the turbulent and divided Amarna period.

Source : websites