The Egyptians were the first to invent the scale and all musical instruments
The Egyptians were the first to invent the scale and all musical instruments 1--1433
The first to invent and establish the musical scale in history were the Egyptians at the end of the last ice age, and evidence of it only appeared with the effects of the Fifth Dynasty, and from Egypt the first music melodies came out to the world.
He added that the ancient Egyptians were the ones who established the musical scale, which they began with five levels, concluded with seven, and reached the tone and semitone. They also knew the music composer and the arranger next to the singer, and they created all the musical instruments that we know in our modern era, including the oud and the flute. The legend confirms that the invention of the flute It came about because of an ancient Egyptian young man's quest to express his love for a princess. By playing music by blowing on the reeds to express his longings and dreams.
Al-Sisi continued that Greek and Roman art of all kinds was taken from Egypt, and the artists of the two countries did not reach the precision and art that the ancient Egyptians knew, and their imitation of Egyptian art was an original source of their arts. The Egyptians also invented all types of modern sports games, including chess and hockey. He denied the rumor that the Pharaohs used to destroy Traces of their predecessors, stressing that if these rumors were true, news of the wonderful Pharaonic antiquities that they left behind and recorded all the details of their lives would not have reached us.
The Egyptians were the first to invent the scale and all musical instruments 1--1432
Al-Sisi stressed that these are rumors launched by the Jews about the Egyptian Pharaonic civilization, as part of their campaign to distort the history of the Pharaohs. They also lied about building the pyramids with forced labor, even though they were built many thousands of years before they entered Egypt.
The Egyptian musical note is the first note in history. Each color, size, and location of a circle indicates the type of instrument, the volume level, the intensity of the tone, and its duration.

Source: websites