Press release from the Center of Common Memory for Democracy and Peace on unfounded accusations
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While preparing to launch the 12th edition of the international festival of cinema and common memory, one of its key moments is the awarding of the international Memory for Democracy and Peace prize, and in these difficult times that humanity is experiencing in areas of extreme tension, particularly in the Middle East, the Center of Common Memory for Democracy and Peace has been the subject of unfounded accusations made by a handful of defamers, targeting the president of the center and all the members of its national office accusing them of having received financial assistance from the State of Israel during the organization of the 12th edition of the festival which took place in Nador from December 11 to 16, 2023.
While rejecting outright these allegations emanating from people who enjoy no credibility and whose sole aim is to undermine the success of a cultural and cinematographic event which has gained momentum, the Center declares to public opinion national and international public the following:
1- He firmly condemns this vile campaign which targets his president personally and endangers his life;
2- He considers that the real target of this undermining work is the unconditional and unwavering commitment of the Center which defends peace, democracy and human rights and its continuous call for the building of a more equitable world , free from wars and human rights violations;
3- It reassures national public opinion that no relationship, of whatever nature, binds neither its president, nor the members of its national office nor the members of its scientific committee to the State of Israel or to one of its official or unofficial institutions;
4- It categorically refuses to receive financial support from any country that violates human rights and tramples on its dignity.
In return, he adheres to all official initiatives relating to the Middle East crisis and highly welcomes the positions in favor of the Palestinian people of the Moroccan State, democratic forces and human rights defenders who call to safeguard the dignity and serenity of the population in the region;
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5- While recognizing having benefited from the right of response on the pages of the same electronic newspaper which disseminated, for the first time, this erroneous information, it reserves the right to take legal action against the republication of these defamatory remarks to curb any attempt to harm others without proof;
6- He urges media professionals, all categories combined, to ensure beforehand the veracity of the information published to avoid gratuitous incriminations which risk jeopardizing the safety of people and their families while informing them that whoever speaking in the doctored video conveyed by the slanderers is Yigal Bin-Nun, a Moroccan Jewish historian and not an Israeli soldier, a supporter of peace and the constitution of a free and independent Palestinian state.
The said video was recorded at the Nador cultural complex in 2014, on the occasion of his participation in the conference entitled “The questions of the Mediterranean” in which he discusses the refusal of the Moroccan cinematographic center to grant financial aid to the festival in cause of the decision of the organizing committee to screen the film In the Eye of the Storm which calls for coexistence between Palestinians and Israelis and the establishment of peace in the region.
7- He condemns this vile campaign by affirming that the abject attacks will not prevent him from continuing his mission of contributing to the construction and maintenance of peace in all parts of the world, of defending noble universal values, freedom, dignity and democracy, to consolidate the culture of human rights and to highlight the experiences of transitional justice.
8- He thanks all the people who supported him and showed solidarity with him. This mark of sympathy assures him of the accuracy of his actions and his contribution to the revitalization, today, of peace contexts through intensive and collaborative work with different partners.
9- He will never stop working, hand in hand, with the champions of peace whatever their nationalities, their religions, their beliefs or the color of their skin, to welcome them in any city of the Morocco, since our country is a land of coexistence, tolerance, equity and reconciliation that spreads peace throughout the world.
It should be remembered that the Center for Common Memory for Democracy and Peace is a national association for the defense of human rights with international extensions.
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Its first concern is to participate, through the international festival of cinema and common memory, which for years has become a global meeting of dialogue of cultures, the mixing of civilizations, the consolidation of universal values and the principles of human rights. 'man. Its international prize “Memory for Democracy and Peace” recognizes those who dedicate their lives to defending the dignity of individuals and life in a world without armed conflicts or violations of human rights.

Source: websites