10health problems most common in the summer
10health problems most common in the summer 1----110
In the summer, our desire to spend time outdoors, enjoying as much sun as possible, organizing barbecues and weekend trips with the family increases. But, just as you need to pack your beach bag and make sure it contains essentials like towels and sunscreen, you also need to prepare yourself and your family for the summer health risks.
Here are the 10 health problems that are most common in the summer
We spend a lot of time during the summer in bacteria-infested water during these warmer months. Don't let these health risks stop you from having fun. But be prepared for these risks. Water parks and pools can be a breeding ground for dangerous bacteria. If you are not careful, exposure to these germs may cause diseases and fungal infections in you and your family. To prevent the occurrence of these diseases, avoid swallowing pool water, do not expose wounds to pool water, and take a shower immediately after leaving.
10health problems most common in the summer 1-1419
2- Insect bites
In the summer, the number of bees and mosquitoes increases more than usual! One of the annoying things that we are exposed to in the hot seasons is insect bites that cause itching, swelling, redness and pain. Allergies can make bee stings more severe.
It's common to forget to drink enough water at any time of the year and that's bad enough. But in the summer months, dehydration can get really severe and dangerous. Look for early signs of dehydration so you know the steps to take to rehydrate your body. Sip water or other hydrating beverages throughout the day to stay hydrated and avoid dehydration.
10health problems most common in the summer 1-1420
4-Eye damage
Buy new stylish sunglasses, they are actually important for your health! UV rays can damage your eyesight. Invest in a pair of shades that will protect your eyes from UV rays, or if you plan to spend a lot of time outside, look for polarized lenses.
5-Food poisoning
Summer is prime time for barbecues and picnics. But don't leave your favorite foods out in the sun for too long. Exposure to high temperatures can put food at risk for the growth of food-borne bacteria. Food, if left for a long time in high heat, causes disease after eating it. Instead, take steps to avoid food poisoning and make sure foods are clean and safe before eating them.
10health problems most common in the summer 1--664
Heatstroke is most common in the summer months. If you plan to spend time outdoors, you should know the symptoms and risks to watch out for. Heatstroke occurs when your body temperature rises above 39 degrees. A person with heatstroke may experience confusion, slurred speech, nausea, vomiting, rapid breathing and fatigue, headache, dizziness, and an increased heart rate. If you or someone close to you has some or all of these symptoms, it is best to seek emergency medical treatment.
7-Jellyfish stings
Many stingray jellyfish are found on tropical beaches in the summer and can touch you where you can't see them. Jellyfish stings can be seriously painful. The jellyfish's tentacles inject venom into the skin with thousands of microscopic, barbed stings. If you get stung, get out of the water immediately, seek medical attention, and rinse the affected area as soon as possible. You can use vinegar to rinse.
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8- Skin cancer
Skin cancer is perhaps one of the most prevalent health risks of summer, but it doesn't happen right away and can be easy to miss. Being in the sun without wearing sunscreen can increase your risk of developing skin cancer later on. If you notice any unusual mark on your skin that does not disappear, you should consult a doctor to make sure it is safe.
It is important to apply sunscreen every day especially during the summer when you spend more time outdoors and the hours of sunlight are longer, and reapply layers throughout the day.
10health problems most common in the summer 1---287
10-Ear infection due to swimming
Swimming is an increased risk of otitis media, which is an injury to the outer ear canal. Treatment of the infection is usually simple and requires only eardrops. But it is an unpleasant and painful condition and the symptoms include itching of the ear canal, redness, swelling and fluid drainage at first which is then followed by severe pain.

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