Moroccans celebrate the Amazigh New Year for the first time while on an official holiday
Moroccans celebrate the Amazigh New Year for the first time while on an official holiday 1----z40
On January 14, Moroccans celebrate the Amazigh New Year while on an official holiday, similar to the first of Muharram in the Hijri New Year and the Gregorian New Year.
This celebration is considered the first of its kind after this day was established as an official national holiday by order of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, who issued his high directives to the Prime Minister to take the necessary measures to implement this high royal decision.
This decision comes, as the Royal Court’s statement confirmed at the beginning of last May, “as an embodiment of the generous care that His Majesty, may God protect him, has always given to the Amazigh language as a major component of the authentic Moroccan identity, rich in its many tributaries, and a common asset for all Moroccans without exception.” It also falls within the framework of the constitutional enshrinement of Amazigh as the country’s official language alongside the Arabic language.”
Moroccans celebrate the Amazigh New Year for the first time while on an official holiday 1----z60
This celebration constitutes a prominent manifestation of the efforts made to consolidate the growing interest in Amazigh culture and heritage, and an embodiment of the high care that His Majesty the King attaches to this basic component of Moroccan identity. It is also considered one of the manifestations of the supreme royal keenness to consolidate Amazigh culture in many fields.
This creative initiative aims to preserve national cultural diversity and consolidate the gains achieved in the Amazigh language since the speech delivered by His Majesty King Mohammed VI in Jaddir in 2001.
Based on this historic decision, the government approved two draft decrees, the first relating to Decree No. 2.23.1000 amending and supplementing Decree No. 2.04.426 dated Dhul-Qi’dah 16, 1425 (December 29, 2004) specifying the list of holiday days on which wages are paid in industrial and commercial enterprises and the liberal professions. Agricultural and forest exploitation.
The second relates to Draft Decree No. 2.23.688 amending and supplementing Decree No. 2.77.169 dated 9 Rabi’ al-Awwal 1397 (February 28, 1977) specifying the list of holidays on which holidays are permitted in public administrations, public institutions and privileged departments.
Moroccans celebrate the Amazigh New Year for the first time while on an official holiday 1----z61
Pursuant to this ratification, January 14 (the Amazigh New Year) was approved as an official paid holiday, in the framework of working to implement the Royal Instructions to declare the Amazigh New Year an official paid holiday in Morocco.
Celebrating the Amazigh New Year, as an official national holiday celebrated along the lines of the first of Muharram of the Hijri New Year and the Gregorian New Year, is a source of pride for all citizens who are proud of the Moroccan identity, which is rich in its many tributaries.
The celebration of the Amazigh New Year, which falls within the framework of comprehensive development, is symbolic indicative of the deep-rootedness and diversity of the cultural fabric of Moroccans, and indicates the desire to move forward on the path to truly activating the official character of the Amazigh language. It is also a practical answer to the aspirations of Moroccan society in the context of the advancement of the Amazigh language and culture, and the integration of the Amazigh language into education and administration.
The adoption of the Amazigh New Year as an official national holiday has given a strong impetus to the process of taking bolder measures taken to strengthen national Amazigh action, especially at the cultural levels. It is a step that comes in the context of raising the challenges that have been raised at the level of support for Amazigh culture in Morocco, and strengthening its position in all fields, through... Optimal application of the text of the Constitution.
Moroccans celebrate the Amazigh New Year for the first time while on an official holiday 1----z62
The various steps and events celebrating the adoption of the Amazigh New Year also indicate the government’s involvement in activating workshops on the official character of the Amazigh language.
The executive authority adopts a gradual approach in activating this nature, through the official launch of projects concerned with promoting the use of the Amazigh language in public administrations and integrating it into various areas of public life.
Several efforts are also being made to provide reception services in the Amazigh language in a group of public administrations, where hundreds of employees have been assigned to receive and guide Amazigh-speaking companions to facilitate their access to public services, and to include the Amazigh language on signs and signaling signs at the headquarters of public administrations and institutions.
The government confirms that a telephone reception service has also been provided in the Amazigh language in nine call centers affiliated with some ministerial sectors and public institutions, which is witnessing a great demand from stakeholders through the provision of 63 persons responsible for telephone communication in the Amazigh language.
Moroccans celebrate the Amazigh New Year for the first time while on an official holiday 1----z41
It is noteworthy that Chapter 5 of the Kingdom’s Constitution stipulates that “Arabic remains the official language of the state.” The state works to protect and develop it, and promote its use. Amazigh is also an official language of the state, as it is a common asset for all Moroccans without exception. An organic law determines the stages of activating the official nature of the Amazigh language, and the methods of integrating it into the field of education, and in priority areas of public life, so that it can perform its function in the future as an official language...”

Source: websites