The size of 10 elephants... the huge Logdon fish and the secret of its disappearance
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We hear many legends about animals that existed thousands of years ago, and they may have been the original inhabitants of the Earth before the existence of man. Fortunately, those animals disappeared from existence because they were huge and deadly, like dinosaurs on land, and the Logdon fish in the sea.
According to what was reported in the British newspaper "Daily Star", a recent study indicated that there is a very huge fish that has been living for thousands of years, and scientists confirm that it disappeared a long time ago.
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Lugdon fish
Recent studies conducted by scientists, using the latest technologies, indicate that there is a fish called Logdon that existed thousands of years ago, and it was the size of 10 huge elephants, and it was able to swallow 5 of the largest and largest sharks at the same time due to its extreme hugeness and large size, and indicated Studies conducted by the scientists also showed that this fish weighed more than 70 tons and was about 50 feet long.
Lugdon's power
Scientists explained that the power of that fish was such that it could end the world with all its creatures in a short period of time. The study showed that it could swallow 5 of the largest and most massive types of sharks known to humans in 5 bites.
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It is worth noting that this fish was a migratory fish and could have gone for months without eating during its journey. It is good that this fish has disappeared in modern times because it almost caused a major human catastrophe due to its large size if it attacked any ship crossing the ocean.

Source: websites