6basic measures to prevent erectile dysfunction
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Impotence, also known as impotence, is a common health problem for many individuals, which occurs as a result of several reasons, whether health, psychological, or following wrong lifestyle and food habits.
However, there is no need to worry, as in many cases, erectile dysfunction in men and women can be a non-permanent problem that can be prevented through some measures and instructions.
In this article, we will talk about how to prevent erectile dysfunction, which men or women can suffer from.
Sexual dysfunction is when an individual, whether a man or a woman, experiences constant difficulty in engaging in sexual activities, and the individual may also become unable to engage in and enjoy sexual activity. The problem of erectile dysfunction can occur in an individual during any stage of his life, but the possibility of developing it increases with age.
There are many causes that lead to erectile dysfunction in men and women, which include the following:
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Psychological reasons, such as suffering from depression and anxiety.
Suffering from certain diseases and health problems, including cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, endometriosis, or enlarged prostate.
Taking some types of medications, such as antidepressants, statin medications, and some types of contraceptives.
Drink alcohol.
Drug addiction.
However, some tips and measures can help prevent or reduce the severity of ED, and may include the following:
Ensure proper nutrition
There is a close connection between the foods we eat and sexual health, as some foods can increase the risk of heart and arterial diseases, and this can affect blood flow to the reproductive organs in women and the penis in males. In this case, sexual desire decreases in men. It is difficult for women and men to achieve an erection.
Eating unhealthy foods also increases the possibility of obesity and chronic diseases, such as diabetes, which affects the sexual health of women and men.
Below is a list of foods that are recommended to be consumed in abundance in order to prevent erectile dysfunction and maintain sexual health in general:
Vegetables and fruits, the most important of which are green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, arugula, lettuce, and radishes, in addition to berries, strawberries, apples, pears, and citrus fruits.
Healthy fats, which are found in nuts, olive oil, and fatty fish.
Whole grains and legumes.
Red meat or poultry.
Dairy products.
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To prevent erectile dysfunction, it is also recommended to avoid fried or high-fat foods, as they increase the risk of heart disease and atherosclerosis, in addition to avoiding foods and drinks rich in sugars, as they cause weight gain, high blood cholesterol levels, and high blood sugar levels, all of which are factors that lead to erectile dysfunction. It increases the risk of erectile dysfunction in men and women.
Maintain a healthy weight
Maintaining weight within normal levels helps prevent impotence, as being overweight can lead to many health problems, including type 2 diabetes, which can cause nerve damage throughout the body, including the area. reproductive system, and thus leads to sexual weakness.
Weight loss also helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol, which can be linked to erectile dysfunction because they cause damage and blockage of blood vessels, including those vessels that transport blood to the genital area.
Exercise regularly
Sports are at the forefront of ways to prevent erectile dysfunction in women and men, because sports help enhance the functions of various body organs, as well as maintain weight and reduce the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.
Exercise can also improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, improve mood, increase self-confidence, and increase testosterone levels in men. All of these things are necessary to increase sexual desire and stimulation, as well as obtaining maximum pleasure during exercise.
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It is usually recommended to practice aerobic sports, such as jogging or swimming, to maintain sexual health and reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. One should also be careful and avoid excessive physical exercise that causes pressure on the reproductive area, such as riding a bicycle, as this can negatively affect the blood vessels. And the nerves that nourish the reproductive area.
Other exercises that are also recommended to be done in order to prevent impotence are Kegel exercises, which involve repeatedly contracting and relaxing the pelvic muscles, which can make them strong and contribute to improving sexual functions.
Stop smoking and avoid alcohol
Smoking is one of the most prominent bad habits that affect sexual health and cause erectile dysfunction, as smoking damages blood vessels and limits blood flow to the reproductive organs. Smoking also increases the possibility of developing heart and arterial diseases, which causes sexual impotence in women and men. Therefore, a decision must be taken to quit smoking in order to prevent sexual impotence and avoid its many health harms.
Also, alcohol causes impotence in men in particular, due to its effect on the neurotransmitters responsible for controlling blood flow to the penis, in addition to its effect on the balance of sexual hormones in men. Therefore, it is always recommended to reduce drinking alcohol or abstain from drinking it completely, if possible, with the aim of maintaining sexual health and preventing erectile dysfunction in men.
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Reducing stress levels
Reducing stress levels is important to prevent impotence, as stress and psychological stress cause an increase in levels of the hormone adrenaline in the body, which is the hormone that makes blood vessels constrict, hindering blood flow to the reproductive organs. Stress also affects nerve signals between the brain. And reproductive organs.
Also, stress causes increased levels of the hormone cortisol in the body, known as the stress hormone, and high cortisol can harm sexual health through its effect on the secretion of stimulant hormones from the gonads and androgenic hormones from the adrenal gland, which are hormones that have an important role. In stimulating sexual desire and sexual arousal in men and women.
doctor consultation
Preventing erectile dysfunction and improving an individual's sexual abilities may require going to a doctor and consulting him about it. For example, some health problems temporarily affect sexual health in men and women, but if the condition is neglected, it can worsen and become a chronic problem that is difficult to overcome. Therefore, it is necessary to follow up with the doctor to prescribe appropriate treatments for the individual.
Also, the doctor may prescribe certain drug treatments, psychotherapy sessions, and other types of therapeutic measures, such as penis pumps, with the aim of reducing the severity of ED and treating it.
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Finally, some measures help prevent erectile dysfunction, such as eating healthy food, losing weight, exercising, reducing alcohol consumption, and stopping smoking. However, in some cases, the individual may need to see a doctor to search for the causes of impotence and treat them, with the aim of reducing the risk of impotence.

Source: websites