Learn about the conditions for obtaining Japanese citizenship
Learn about the conditions for obtaining Japanese citizenship 1-----67
Japan greatly attracts the interest of young people in the Arab world, and many dream of residing and living there, especially those attracted by its picturesque nature and unique and distinct culture. In this topic, we shed light on the Japanese Nationality Law, which explains in detail the conditions that must be met in order to obtain Japanese citizenship.
In this topic, we present to you the Japanese nationality law, which was not previously available in Arabic.
The requirements for becoming a Japanese citizen are determined by the provisions of this law.
Acquiring citizenship by birth
The child is, in any of the following cases, a Japanese citizen:
(1) When the father or mother holds Japanese nationality.
(2) When the father who died before the child was born was a Japanese citizen at the time of his death.
(3) When both parents are unknown or have no citizenship if the child is born in Japan.
Acquisition of nationality for a recognized child
1. A child (except a child who was once a Japanese citizen) under the age of twenty whose father or mother has acknowledged paternity or maternity respectively may acquire Japanese nationality by submitting notification to the Minister of Justice, if one of the parents was a Japanese citizen at the time of the birth The child, or such parent, is a current Japanese citizen or was a Japanese citizen at the time of his or her death.
2. A child who makes notification in accordance with the previous paragraph acquires Japanese nationality at the time of notification.
Any person who is not a Japanese citizen (hereinafter referred to as “alien”) may acquire Japanese citizenship by naturalization.
2. Japanese citizenship is obtained with the permission of the Japanese Minister of Justice.
The Japanese Minister of Justice may permit the naturalization of an alien only if he meets all of the following conditions: (1) He has possessed a domicile in Japan for five or more consecutive years.
(2) Be 20 years of age or older and have full capacity and capacity to act in accordance with the law of his or her country of origin.
(3) He must be of good conduct and conduct.
(4) To be able to secure one's livelihood on the basis of assets or skills possessed by oneself, one's spouse or other relatives.
(5) He must not have another nationality. If he acquires Japanese nationality, this will lead to him losing his original nationality.
(6) He must never have planned, called, formed or belonged to a political party or any other organization that has planned or called for the overthrow of the Constitution of Japan or the government in office since the implementation of the Constitution of Japan.
2. When a foreigner is unable, regardless of his intention, to renounce his current citizenship, the Minister of Justice may allow the foreigner to be naturalized, even though the foreigner does not meet the conditions stipulated in Clause (5) of the previous paragraph, if the Minister of Justice finds Exceptional circumstances.
The Minister of Justice may allow the naturalization of a foreigner even if he does not meet the condition stipulated in Clause (1) of the previous paragraph of the previous article, provided that the aforementioned foreigner falls under any of the following items, and is currently based in Japan:
(1) A person who has had a domicile or residence in Japan for three or more consecutive years and is the child of a Japanese citizen (excluding an adopted child).
(2) A person born in Japan who has had a domicile or residence in Japan for three or more consecutive years, or whose parent (excluding adoptive father and mother) was born in Japan.
(3) A person who has resided in Japan for ten consecutive years or more.
The Minister of Justice may permit the naturalization of an alien who is the spouse of a Japanese citizen even though the said alien does not meet the conditions stipulated in Clauses (1) and (2) of Article 5, if the alien has been a resident or has a domicile in Japan for three or more consecutive years It is currently located in Japan. The same rule applies if the foreigner has been married to a Japanese citizen for three years or more and has had a domicile in Japan for one year or more.
Learn about the conditions for obtaining Japanese citizenship 1----177
The Minister of Justice may allow the naturalization of a foreigner even though he does not meet the conditions stipulated in clauses (1), (2) and (4) of Article 5, provided that the foreigner is any of the following elements:
(1) Be the child (excluding an adopted child) of a Japanese citizen and have a domicile in Japan.
(2) A person who is the adopted child of a Japanese national and has had a domicile in Japan for one year or more and is a minor under the law of his or her country of origin at the time of adoption.
(3) A person who has lost Japanese citizenship (except for persons who have naturalized Japanese citizenship) and has a domicile in Japan.
(4) A person born in Japan who has not had citizenship at the time of birth, and has had a domicile in Japan for three or more consecutive years since then.
With regard to an alien who has rendered meritorious services to Japan, the Minister of Justice may, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 5, paragraph 1, permit his naturalization after obtaining the approval of Parliament.
The Minister of Justice, when permitting naturalization, shall issue a declaration to that effect by public notice in the Official Gazette.
2. Naturalization shall become effective as of the date of public notification under the preceding paragraph.
Loss of Japanese citizenship
A Japanese citizen loses Japanese citizenship when he voluntarily acquires another foreign nationality.
2. A Japanese citizen who holds foreign nationality loses Japanese nationality if he chooses foreign nationality in accordance with the laws of the foreign country concerned.
A Japanese citizen who was born in a foreign country and acquired foreign citizenship by birth loses Japanese citizenship retroactively from the date of birth, unless the Japanese citizen clearly indicates his or her wish to retain Japanese citizenship in accordance with the provisions of the Family Registration Law (Act No. 24 of 1947).
A Japanese citizen who holds foreign citizenship may renounce Japanese citizenship by notifying the Minister of Justice.
2. A person who has given notification in accordance with the previous paragraph loses Japanese citizenship at the time of notification.
Choose nationalities
A Japanese citizen who holds a foreign nationality must choose either nationality before he turns 20 if he acquired both nationalities on the day before the day he turned 20, or within two years after the day he acquired the second nationality if he acquired this nationality after The day he turned twenty.
2. The choice of Japanese citizenship shall be made either by deprivation of his foreign citizenship or by a declaration stipulated in the Family Registration Law in which he swears to choose Japanese citizenship and to renounce foreign citizenship (hereinafter referred to as the “Declaration of Choice”).
The Minister of Justice may, by written notice, request a Japanese citizen who holds a foreign nationality and has not chosen Japanese nationality within the period specified in Paragraph 1 of the previous article to choose one of the nationalities he possesses.
2. The notice stipulated in the previous paragraph may be given by announcing it in the Official Gazette, in the event that the person receiving the notice loses it or in any other circumstances in which it is impossible to send the notice to the person concerned. In this case, the notice must reach the person concerned on the day following the day on which the announcement is made in the Official Gazette.
3. The person to whom notice has been sent in accordance with the preceding two paragraphs shall lose Japanese citizenship upon the expiration of one month from the day on which he receives the notice, unless he has chosen Japanese citizenship during this period. However, this does not apply to the case where the person concerned is unable to choose Japanese citizenship during this period due to a natural disaster or any other reason that cannot be perceived by him, and has made this choice within two weeks after becoming able to do so.
Learn about the conditions for obtaining Japanese citizenship 1----178
The Japanese citizen who made the declaration of choice must seek to renounce other foreign nationality.
2. In the case where a Japanese national who has declared selection but still holds foreign nationality voluntarily holds public office in a foreign country (except for positions in which a person who does not hold nationality of that country can serve), the Minister of Justice may declare that he will lose nationality Japanese if the Minister finds that holding such public office would be substantially inconsistent with his choice of Japanese nationality.
3. The session related to the announcement under the previous paragraph shall be held in public.
4. The announcement stipulated in Paragraph 2 of this Article shall be issued by public notice in the Official Gazette.
5. The person against whom the declaration is made under Paragraph 2 of this Article shall lose Japanese citizenship on the day of public notification under the preceding Paragraph.
Re-acquisition of citizenship
Any person under twenty years of age who has lost Japanese citizenship pursuant to Article 12 may regain Japanese citizenship by sending notice to the Minister of Justice if he has a domicile in Japan.
2. Any person who has received notification under Paragraph 2 of Article 15 and has lost Japanese nationality under Paragraph 3 of the said Article may regain Japanese nationality by sending notice to the Minister of Justice within one year after becoming aware of the fact that he has lost Japanese nationality, if he fulfills the condition stipulated In Clause (5) 1 of Article 5. However, in the event that he is unable to provide notice within the due period due to a natural disaster or any other reason, this period shall be one month after he is able to do so.
3. The person who has given notification in accordance with the previous two paragraphs shall acquire Japanese nationality at the time of notification.
Notification etc. by the legal representative
If the person intending to acquire, elect or renounce nationality is under 15 years of age or has submitted a notification of acquisition of nationality under paragraph 1 of Article 3 or paragraph 1 of Article 17 or an application for authorization of naturalization or declaration of election or notification of renunciation of nationality By the person's legal representative on his behalf.
Ministerial Decree
Except as stipulated in this law, the procedures relating to the acquisition or renunciation of nationality as well as other rules necessary to enforce this law are determined in the Law of the Ministry of Justice.
Penal provisions
Any person who provides false notification at the time of filing notifications pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 3 shall be punished with imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year or a fine not exceeding 200,000 yen.
2. The crime stipulated in the previous paragraph is subject to the provisions of Article 2 of the Penal Code (Law No. 45 of 1907).

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