Moroccan citizenship and cultural heritage
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The Association for the Protection and Advancement of Moroccan Heritage, with the support of the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, organized a symposium on “ Citizenship and Moroccan Cultural Heritage ”, in the presence of the Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, Mohamed Mehdi Bensaïd, and the Director of Cultural Heritage, Youssef Khiara, today, Tuesday, March 7, at the Mohammed VI Museum in Rabat.
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The president of the association, Amin Mezin, opened the symposium, and presented the Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, who talked about the importance of Moroccan heritage, and the importance of involving young people to preserve it, and talked about the efforts made by the Moroccan state, king, government, and people in order to preserve heritage.
Youssef Khayara touched on the definition of heritage and a brief history about the development of this term, the vandalism that affected it after the succession of civilizations, and the efforts made by Spain and Britain to protect archaeological buildings and historical establishments. He focused in his study on the French model as the basis of Moroccan law in this aspect, for example the protection law Historic Buildings 1913.
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He talked about organization at the international level, the development of heritage protection laws, the most prominent agreements in this aspect, and everything related to cultural and natural heritage, and its relationship to anthropology, and touched on the types of heritage, including the underwater heritage.., and the UNESCO recommendation related to the preservation of traditional and popular culture that resulted from it. The emergence of the term sustainable development for the first time.
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In a second presentation during the same symposium, Youssef Khayyara spoke about the civilizations that formed the Moroccan heritage, including the Hebrew, Amazigh and Mediterranean.., and considering Morocco a pioneer in the field of heritage, as it has the oldest sane person and the oldest human gathering, and large sites that are the oldest ever, in addition to the Islamic heritage.
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In the aspect of architecture, immovable heritage, or tangible heritage included in the Moroccan cultural heritage, he mentioned all kinds of water installations, gardens, baths, temples, mausoleums, funerary tombs, and funerary stores..., and presented to the movable heritage or the archaeological heritage, that is, the pieces extracted from the historical landmarks, and everything related to the fabric Engineering, coins, ornaments, inscriptions, manuscripts...
He exposed the intangible heritage represented in all kinds of poetry, commercial methods that are considered cultural rather than commercial, and the natural heritage of all kinds.
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Workshops on heritage were inaugurated, the most important of which was the legal framework and protection mechanisms, and Algeria's use of Moroccan zellige inscriptions in a sports shirt through an Adidas partner.

Source : websites