Blood types and their distribution ratios among the Earth's population
Blood types and their distribution ratios among the Earth's population 1----210
?What is a blood group or blood group
Blood group or blood type (in English: Blood type) is a type of proteins and sugars that are found on the surface of red blood cells and give the blood its type.
There are multiple blood testing systems, but there are two basic systems: the blood group system, which is symbolized by the abbreviation ABO, and the rhesus system, which is symbolized by Rh.
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Blood types and types
Blood types have been divided according to the presence or absence of antibodies on the surface of red blood cells, and blood types are inherited from parents to children. Below is an explanation of the types of blood types in detail.
The ABO system, which contains the most common blood groups with the blood group symbol in English:
Blood group A: has antigens in red blood cells for blood group A with antibodies for blood group B in the plasma.
Blood group B: has antigens in red blood cells for blood group B along with antibodies for blood group A in the plasma.
Blood type AB: has antigens in red blood cells for types A and B, but no antibodies.
Blood group O: Has no antigens, but has both blood group A and B antibodies in the plasma.
Rare blood types
Blood types are linked to heredity, so the prevalence or rarity of a group depends on the extent to which it is inherited across generations, and thus the distribution of blood groups varies in different parts of the world.
However, negative blood types are considered the rarest blood type in the world, and blood types are classified from rarest to least according to the following ratios:
AB negative: 0.6%.
B negative: 1.5%.
AB positive: 3.4%.
A negative: 6.3%.
O negative: 6.6%.
B positive: 8.5%.
A positive: 35.7%.
O positive: 37.4%.
RhD system
Red blood cells sometimes contain antigens for another protein known as RhD antibody, which determines whether a blood type is positive or negative.
If this antibody is present, the blood type is RhD positive.
Or if it is absent, the blood type is RhD negative.
Inheritance of blood types
Genes determine the type of blood group, as a person inherits a gene from the mother and a gene from the father to form a pair of genes that determine the inherited characteristics, including the blood group. For example, a person can inherit the A antigen from one of his parents, and inherit the B antigen from the other, resulting in Blood group is AB, but if he inherits antigen B from both parents, then his blood group will be B. The same applies to blood group A, which results from inheriting antigen A from both parents.
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How to know your blood type
Blood type is determined by antibodies and antigens in the blood.
Antibodies are proteins found in plasma. They are part of the body's natural defenses. They recognize foreign objects such as germs, and alert the immune system to destroy these objects.
Antigens are protein molecules found on the surface of red blood cells.
To find out your blood type, red blood cells are mixed with a solution of different antibodies.
For example, if the solution contains blood group B antibodies and the person has blood group B antigens on his red blood cells, his blood type is B, and the examination shows a cluster or so-called coagulation.
If the blood does not react to either blood type A or blood type B antibodies, the blood type will be O.
So there are a series of tests with different types of antibodies that can be used to determine blood type.
If a person needs a blood transfusion, the blood is tested with a sample of cells from the donor that contain ABO and RHD antigens.
If there is no reaction, a donor blood group of the same type as ABO and RHD can be used and given to the person in need of blood.
Blood type and pregnancy
Problems or complications often occur as a result of the difference in the blood type of the mother and the fetus, so pregnant women must evaluate the blood type test.
If the mother's blood type is negative, but the child inherited positive blood type from the father, this can cause complications for the mother if left untreated.
Blood types and donation
Blood donation helps people who need a blood transfusion for many medical conditions, and in most cases, anyone who is 18 years old and in good health can donate blood.
Usually an amount ranging from 475 milliliters to 1 liter is donated.
The people who most need blood transfusions are people with heart disease, cancer patients, gastrointestinal patients, people who have been exposed to fractures, trauma, and anemia, in addition to organ transplants and diseases of the liver, kidneys, and lungs.
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Interspecies blood transfusion
Blood transfusions are used on a daily basis, as carriers give the kits to their fellow patients, for example:
People with blood type A can donate to blood types A, AB.
As for people with type B, they can donate to types B and AB.
People with blood type O are considered a general donor for all types.
Blood type AB is considered one of the types that only blood type AB donates, but it receives blood from all types.
While group AB is a general future.
In most cases, type O negative blood can be safely given to anyone, and it is often used in immediate medical emergencies when the blood type is not known, as it is considered safe for most recipients because it does not have any antigens for blood types A, B or RHD on the surface. cells, and are compatible with all other blood types.
If you receive the wrong blood according to the ABO system, it can be a life-threatening condition.
For example, if a person with blood type B gives someone with blood type A, the blood type A antibodies attack the blood type A cells.
This is why blood type A should never be given to someone with blood type B and vice versa.

Conditions for blood donation
If a person wants to donate blood, he must meet the following conditions:
The donor must be fit and in good health.
The donor must weigh at least 50 kg.
The age of the donor must be between 17-66 years, or 70 if he has donated blood before for more than 70 years. He donated blood during the past two years.

Source: websites