The Sumerian royal dynasty before the flood
The Sumerian royal dynasty before the flood 1-682
The second part
Introduction: We mentioned in the previous post about the list of the first Sumerian kings who ruled before the flood:
As stated in the clay tablet that was edited and translated by (Thorclid Jacobsen): 8 Sumerian kings ruled in 5 cities.
Our talk about the second list of the Sumerian kings is placed on a different record, which was translated by another
(Wilde Blundell)
Wilde Blondel's translation came from a clay tablet containing cuneiform writing. It is a vertical clay tablet listed in the Ashmolean Museum.
Its forty sides are 10 cm long, written in the Sumerian language, with lists of the Sumerian kings, and each gant contains the text in two columns.
1 note
((This list does not differ in terms of cities, but rather in terms of the names and number of kings and the years of their rule))
It is divided into two lists:
The first: The text of the basic Sumerian king list before the flood, translated by (Thorclid Jacobsen), as follows:
(The basic one contains 9 kings and 5 cities)
“Which mentions that royalty descended for the first time from heaven in the city of Eridu, near Ur (Abulim, Adam’s prophet)
The rest of the cities (Eridu, Bad Tibera, Larac, Spar, Shuruppak) »
After the monarchy fell from the sky, the city of Eridu became the headquarters of the monarchy
1- He ruled (Apollim - 67,200 years)
2- Then he ruled (Al-Akar for 72,000 years)
Then the city of Eridu was abandoned and ownership was transferred to the city of (Padtpera).
3- Where he ruled (Inmen if I was 21,600 years old)
4- Then the sentence (Ainman said, “I am –––”)
5- And then the rule of (Dumuzi the shepherd –––)
Then the city of Badtpera was abandoned and ownership was transferred to the city of Larac.
6- Where (Enceb Zi Anna) ruled - 36,000 years)
And there was only one king
Then the city of Larak was abandoned and ownership was transferred to the city of Sippar.
7- Where (Enmen Dor Anna or Enmen Dor Anki ruled for 72,000 years)
Then Sippar was abandoned and ownership was transferred to the city of Shuruppak.
8- Where Ubar Tutu ruled - 28,800 years)
Ubar Tutu is the father of Shukur Lam and grandfather of Ziusdra, the hero of the Sumerian flood mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh.
9- And then the reign of (Ziusedra - 36,000)
Ziusedra the Sumerian, hero of the flood (Utnapishtim of Babylon and Noah of the Bible and the Qur’an)
((This list also includes two kings before the transfer of ownership to Badtebra, that is, after the king (Al-Akar)
They are two kings from Larsa
Kidono and ruled for 72,000 years
Almamu and ruled for 21,000 years
The king (Almamo) is read as (Lal Aur A) or (Alma Aur A).
The names of these two kings are not found in lists and other copies at all.)
Second: The extensive text of the Sumerian pre-Flood kings list translated by Thorclid Jacobsen, as follows:
(The one that contains 12 kings and 6 cities)
After the monarchy fell from the sky, the city of Eridu became the headquarters of the monarchy
1- He ruled (Apollim - 67,200 years)
2- Then he ruled (Al-Akar for 72,000 years)
Then the city of Eridu was abandoned and ownership was transferred to the city of Larsa.
3- Kidono ruled for 72,000 years.
4- Then Al-Mamamu ruled and ruled for 21,000 years.
Then the city of Larsa was abandoned and ownership was transferred to the city of Badtpera.
5- Where he ruled (Inmen if I was 21,600 years old)
6- Then he said, “Ainman said, ‘I am…’”
7- And then (Dumuzi the shepherd...) ruled.
Then the city of Badtpera was abandoned and ownership was transferred to the city of Larac.
8- Where (Enceb Zi Anna) ruled - 36,000 years)
And there was only one king
Then the city of Larak was abandoned and ownership was transferred to the city of Sippar.
9- Where (Enmen Dor Anna or Enmen Dor Enki ruled for 72,000 years)
Then Sippar was abandoned and ownership was transferred to the city of Shorpak.
Shorpak is also read in the form (Shikur Laam) and also in the form (Lam Kuru) and is believed to be the ancient city (Nemkuru).
10- Where Ubar Tutu ruled - 28,800 years)
Ubar Tutu is the father of Shukur Lam and grandfather of Ziusudra.
11- And then the ruling (shu kur lam...)
He is the father of Ziusudra.
12- After the rule of Ziusudra, the hero of the Sumerian flood mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh)
There are other versions of the Sumerian kings list published by (Helbrecht - in 1906) and (Sharrell - in 1911).
(Achmalians, Arno Boyel, and others)
A note regarding the number of years the kings ruled
((The note regarding the large number of years in the rule of each king is that perhaps the word {year} expresses one {day} and therefore the number of years of each king seems reasonable if we divide his rule by 365 days))
((He continued his mention of (Yenu Kook) in the book (Restoring the Lost World), and what concerns us about it is what he mentioned in the first part. Yennu Kook wondered about the long periods of rule of the pre-Flood kings in Sumer,
?Why are ruling periods long
The large numbers for the lengths of the reigns of "kings before the two parties" are derived.
In the Sumerian use of the symbol "Sar" which has been consistently explained since the Greek era as representing 3600 - which is supposed to be 3600 years and "Sar" has the value of 3600 in the Sumerian census but does not necessarily mean a year))
((As noted elsewhere, “sar” also means day
So a year is a day, as we mentioned.)

Sumerian King List, the Weld-Blundell prism in the Ashmolean Museum
cuneiform collection