The pre-Flood and post-Flood kings up to Gilgamesh
The pre-Flood and post-Flood kings up to Gilgamesh 1---694
The information that excavators, researchers, and historians have obtained through the cuneiform texts and the historical references contained therein, comparing them with classical sources, and giving an estimate.
Reasonable relative proportions to the years of rule of kings and dynasties. Historians have followed three approaches in giving the historical sequence to the roles of Iraq’s civilization, the most appropriate of which was that followed by the historian Sidney.
Which was followed by most historians of ancient Iraq’s civilization, including Iraqi researchers, most notably our late professor (Taha Baqir), Professor Dr. (Amer Suleiman), and Dr. (Sami Saeed Al-Ahmad).
They are eight who ruled in prehistoric times, that is, a year before (3000 BC) in view of real history. As for the mythological aspect, it is accepted that they ruled in five cities for a long period of time estimated by the Book of Kings at (241,200 years). Then the flood occurred and drowned everything.
The name of the king and the city in which he ruled. The duration of his rule in years
1- Hello, we don’t like it (I want it) 28800
2-Alkar Nanki (Aredo) 36,000
3-Anmanlu I Badtibera 43200
4- Anmankal I Badtipera 28800
5- Dumuzi the shepherd, Badtibera, 36,000
6- Encibazi I Larak 28800
7- Anmandar I Spar (Abu Haba) 21000
8- Uber Dodo Shruback (Fara) 18600
First Kish dynasty
After the flood, kingship descended again from heaven in the city of Kish. The number of kings of this dynasty was twenty-three kings who ruled for more than (24,510 years). As for contemporary historians, they placed the end of this dynasty at the beginning of the third millennium BC, and they are:
The name of the king and the length of his rule in years
1- Ka...or 1200
2- Kula Ndaba I 960
3-Blackina TM 900
5- Behina?
6- Bu Anum 840
7- Kalbum 960
8- Qlomo 840
9- Zaqaqib 900
10- Ahlab 600
11- Mashda (the son) 840
12-Erbium (Jr.) 720
13 - The shepherd came to us for 1500
14- Balikh (son) 400
15 – Enmenona 660
16- Melamkishi (Jr.) 900
17 - Barcelona (Brother) 1200
18 – Your Highness (Jr.) 140
19- Tabzkar (the son) 305
20- Alcoa 900
21- Alta Sodom 1200
22- Enemybra Jessie 900
(Mi Brasi Jesse) defeated Elam and may have ruled in about 2675 BC
23- Aka (the son) was a contemporary of Gilgamesh in 625 and fought him in about 2650 BC.
Ammar Al Samer's blog
The book Treasures of the Iraqi Museum by researcher Faraj Basmaji
Introduction to the History of Civilizations book by researcher Taha Baqir
The Book of the Greatness of Babylon by researcher Harry Sachs, translated by Dr. Amer Suleiman
This artifact is engraved with the names of the pre-Flood Sumerian kings

Source: websites