Ancient Reptiles: The Unanswered Mystery of the 7,000-Year-Old Ubaid Lizardmen.
Ancient Reptiles: The Unanswered Mystery of the 7,000-Year-Old Ubaid Lizardmen. 3---10
It is the generally accepted view in mainstream archaeology that civilization began in ancient Mesopotamia with the great Sumer civilization in what is now modern Iraq. However, at the beginning of the 20th century, archaeologists excavating Tell al-Ubaid in Iraq made an unusual discovery when they unearthed several 7,000-year-old artifacts that appeared to represent human figures with reptilian features.
Understanding Ubaid culture
The Ubaid culture is a prehistoric culture in Mesopotamia that dates back to between 4000 and 5500 BC. As with the Sumerians, the origins of the Ubaid people are unknown. They lived in large village settlements in adobe houses and developed architecture, agriculture, and cultivated the land using irrigation.
Ancient Mesopotamia and the Rise of Civilization
The household architecture of the slaves included large T-shaped houses, open courtyards, and paved streets, as well as food processing equipment. According to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, some of these villages began to develop into cities, and temples began to appear, as well as monumental buildings such as Eridu, Ur, and Uruk, major sites of the Sumerian civilization. Sumerian texts explain that it was believed that
Ur is the first city.

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