The last moments of the life of the deceased Uqba bin Nafi and his killing at the hands of Commander (Axel)...
The last moments of the life of the deceased Uqba bin Nafi and his killing at the hands of Commander (Axel)... 11276
A novel vision..
On Saturday, April 20 of the year 683... the time was midday and a few minutes later... the perished Uqba bin Nafi and his soldiers were walking along the valley, on the outskirts of the village of Tahouda in the Al-Mzab region in present-day eastern Algeria, when Commander Axel and his soldiers surrounded them... for the first time in months. (Axel) will meet face to face with (Uqba bin Nafi)... the latter, whom (Axel) appeared to from above the hill, riding his white horse and circling between his soldiers left and right, providing them with his instructions and directions, and checking their readiness for battle...
So Uqba remembered the insult he had directed at Axel among his Berber people... and he remembered that movement that Axel made when Uqba asked him to slaughter a sheep in front of him, a threatening and menacing movement when he wiped his face with the inner skin of the slaughtered sheep... and he remembered in detail that look. Centered, full of violent pride.
He felt afraid for a moment and thought about fleeing, just as Omar ibn al-Khattab, Abu Bakr, and many of the Companions fled in the Battle of Uhud, leaving the Messenger (may God bless him and grant him peace) with some loyal people, but his pride as a military commander made him swallow his fear and shock, triumphing for his dignity in front of his soldiers.
And in the middle of his thoughts, the first skirmishes began between his soldiers and the soldiers of Axel. Dozens of Axel’s knights descended on the valley, followed by other fighters who were conducting a tight siege so that the Arabs would not escape...
When Uqba noticed that some of his soldiers on the starboard side had been killed, he signaled with his hand to his soldiers to be silent, so he advanced a little on his horse until he reached a large rock... so he directed his words to Axel...
What do you want, Kasila?! I am your prince and my obedience is obligatory according to what God Almighty says (O you who have believed, obey God and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you). You are fighting God and His Messenger with this foolishness of yours...
Axel answered him in poor Arabic because he had only learned it a few years ago, and it was Arabic with the melody of non-Arabs. However, he had memorized parts of the Qur’an... and some hadiths...
You, O Uqba, are the last person who can talk about God and obey Him... You, O Uqba, are a criminal by nature... You, O Uqba, have not carried out the word of God (We have sent Our messengers with clear proofs and sent down with them the Book and the Balance so that the people may do justice), but you are a tyrant. (gar afgan) How many A soul was killed...and how many generous people were insulted. How many families have been dispersed... and how many oppressed people have you wronged... Today this is your minor judgment... and God will judge you in your great judgment... (And every stubborn tyrant will fail)...
Then shouts of “Allahu Akbar” arose among the Muslim soldiers of Excel... and shouts of “life” for the Amazigh people from their non-Muslim soldiers...
So Axel raised his hand to make everyone pay attention... so he looked around the valley and returned his sight towards Uqba bin Nafi and his brown, sweaty face... which was made darker by the blazing heat of the midday sun, in addition to his relative obesity hidden behind his red cloak that distinguished him from his soldiers...
Axel slowly lowered his hand in the opposite direction, announcing the beginning of the attack...
So (Axel) slowly advanced into the middle of the battle to be alone with (Uqba) in a long-awaited meeting... He advanced towards him, not caring about the progress of the battle... He advanced towards him with arrogance, and his eyes did not stop turning away from him... amid the clanging of swords... and the screams... And the neighing of the horses and the sounds of their hooves as they rubbed against the ground... and it appeared to him (an obstacle) shouting at his soldiers and asking them to stand firm...
Finally the two men met...
And when he saw Uqba, the first thing he said to him was, “May your mother be bereaved of you, you son of barbarism....Woe to you if you challenge your master, the Quraishi, descendant of the best of the Arabs.” Without any preamble, the duel began...and the swords clashed. ...and the horses disagreed with them...and every time he struck the exhausted Uqba with a blow, Axel responded with two blows...until fatigue took its toll on Uqba, whose wooden hand shield became heavy on him due to exhaustion, so he dropped it and got off his Axel did so. The same thing....the bodies of the dead were separating them and hindering their movement as they stumbled over them...and Axel felt that it was the moment of decisiveness...and feelings of anger appeared on his face at Uqba’s insult to him and his he attacked him with a blow that toppled half of his armor. ...He followed it with another blow that knocked Uqba to the ground....So Axel came to him, putting his leg on his chest...Uqbah begged him, saying, “Don’t kill me, brother...Please....”
Axel replied: By God, even if you cover yourself with the Kaaba, I will not have mercy on you... He who does not show mercy will not be shown mercy...
So he raised his sword and finished off him, striking his neck until the blood mixed with the dirt, repeating (God is great, the tyrant has fallen... God is great, the tyrant has fallen)... Then Axel looked behind him and found his men finishing off the remaining soldiers of Uqba...
The last moments of the life of the deceased Uqba bin Nafi and his killing at the hands of Commander (Axel)... 2-----45
He took out his knife and separated what was left of Uqba's head, carrying it amidst shouts of victory from his soldiers...
So he addressed them (And We did not wrong them, but they wronged themselves.) This is the punishment for whoever attacks other peoples and wants to enslave them, so fighting him is a duty... and remaining silent about him is betrayal...
Bury them and let a group of Muslims perform the funeral prayer over them...and God is All-Knowing of intentions..
Uqba's adventures ended at the hands of the people of Earth...but the adventures of those after him did not end...while Axel honored their bodies...they mutilated the bodies and threw them into wells...
Abu Al-Muhajir Dinar had previously given advice to Uqba, who was angry at him, not to offend the Berber king and his subjects. The period of Abu Muhajir bin Dinar and before that was the period in which Islam spread in Libya and Tunisia, not the period of Uqba, but he was deposed by the Umayyads and arrested and imprisoned, because levies, captivity, and other things decreased, and they took his place. The criminal is an obstacle to do this....
History repeats itself by mocking the Amazigh language, so Axel lives...

Source: websites