The impact of the Amazighs on human civilization, Valentine's Day as a model
The impact of the Amazighs on human civilization, Valentine's Day as a model 1---30
On this day, February 14, in the year 496 AD, the Amazigh Pope of the Vatican, Aguilas I, officially recognized Valentine’s Day in the Catholic holiday calendar. This holiday is celebrated today not only by one and a half billion Catholics, but by most people around the world of all races, religions and sects... and none of them today have hatred for Amazigh history.
Pope Aguilas, born in Libya, to Amazigh parents, was the last Amazigh from North Africa to head the Catholic Church.
The impact of the Amazighs on human civilization, Valentine's Day as a model 1--83
Saint Aguilas, whose name means tiger in Amazigh, founded Valentine’s Day, to invite everyone to spread love and brotherhood among all people instead of fighting... because according to Aguilas, God is a God of love who loves everyone, and not a God who prefers, distinguishes, and raises the status of some of you over others because of... Ethnic affiliation.
Although Pope Aguilas I was one of the influential people in human history, and he was one of our ancestors who believed in God before Islam, because he is not an Arab, you do not find his name mentioned in North African educational curricula, while you find them singing about obscure infidels from the era of Arab ignorance, infidels from The continent of Asia has nothing to do with Islam, like Antarah bin Shaddad, the drunkard Al-Zeer Salem, and others

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