Statue of Princess Karumama Merit Amu
Statue of Princess Karumama Merit Amu 1-----89
In front of the beauty... let everyone be silent. How beautiful is this statue of Princess Karomama Merit Amu. She was the priestess of Amun and a non-royal princess from the Twenty-Second Dynasty.
She was the daughter of King Takelot I and the wife of King Osorkon II
The magnificent statue is made of bronze inlaid with gold and almost speaks of life
Queen Karumama I was the mother of at least two sons and three daughters:
Prince Shashenq (d): He was a high priest of the god Ptah.
Prince Horenkhet: He was a priest of Amun in Tanis. He was buried in his father’s grave in the same city. He died at the age of 8 or 9 years.
Princess Tasha Khabar: She was the wife of the god Amun during the reign of King Takelot III.
Princess Karumama (c): who may be identical with Karumama Meret Mut, wife of the god Amun.
Princess [ta?] Ermer.
Many buildings were constructed during the reign of King Osorkon II, including the huge feast hall in Bubasta, built in the 22nd year of his reign from red granite. Its walls were decorated with reliefs representing him and Queen Karumama. Queen Karomama (also known as Karomama B) was also a daughter of the royal family, but it is unclear which king her father was. She was also never given the title of royal sister, and one can assume that she was not the daughter of Takelot I, but the absence of the title of king's sister is not conclusive. Other candidates are Sheshenq II or Horsa Isis. In the inscriptions of the thirtieth feast (year 22) her three yanas are accompanied by tasha khabar, karumama and [ta] ermer.

Source: websites