Merit Amon.
Merit Amon. 1--270
Meritamun was the daughter of Ramesses II and his wife Nefertari. She appears as the fourth daughter in the list of Abu Simbel's daughters and has at least four full brothers: Amun Hor-khepshef, Parherwinemf, Meri and Meriatum, in addition to a sister named Hanut Tawi. Meritamun may have had more brothers and sisters, but these five are known from the façade of Queen Nefertari's temple at Abu Simbel. By the time her mother died (around the twenty-fourth or twenty-fifth royal year), Meritamun had become a great royal consort, alongside her half-sister Binntana.
Lady of the Two Lands.
Lady of Upper and Lower Egypt.
The Great Royal Wife.
The king's daughter and his lover.
One of the titles of the beautiful Meritamun, daughter of King Ramesses II, and we see her here in the remains of a very beautiful statue found in the Ramesseum in Luxor, which depicts her in her utmost elegance.
Meritamun was buried in the Valley of the Queens in Tomb No. 68.
Meret Amun is the fourth daughter of King Ramesses II and his wife, Queen Nefertari. She became queen after the death of her mother, as her father, King Ramesses II, married her and she became the royal wife. She was also a priestess of the goddess Hathor and performed rituals for her. Her name was Meret Amun, meaning beloved of Amun.

Source: websites