Three statues of offering bearers..
Three statues of offering bearers.. 1----238
From the cemetery of Bibi Nakht in Assiut, Old Kingdom, Sixth Dynasty, circa (2323-2150 BC). The Sixth Dynasty of Egypt is the last dynasty of the Old Kingdom of Egypt, and its founder is King Teti. The Sixth Dynasty ruled for 164 years (from 2345 to 2181 BC).
Antiquities have not yet revealed to us the origin of the establishment of the Sixth Dynasty, and it appears that its kings took over the rule of the country without revolutions or major disagreements, and its pharaohs remained on the king’s throne for nearly two centuries.
It is believed that its founder was King Sahtepe Tawi Titi, and we know little about his rule.
History has taught us in all ages that every new founder must be a man of strength and power, but the face mask that the archaeologist “Koebel” found near the “Titi” pyramid temple in Saqqara, its features indicate that this king was a man of soft and delicate character. The emotion, if it is true, is that this mask resembled his face, not that of another human being.
The historian Manetho attributes the origin of this family to Memphis, and perhaps he was somewhat right in that. Because all the inclinations of the Fifth Dynasty of its kings were directed towards the worship of Ain Shams (the god Ra), while the religious inclinations of the kings of the Sixth Dynasty were directed towards the worship of the god Fattah in Memphis.
National Museum

Source: websites