?Why do Greek statues have small penises
?Why do Greek statues have small penises 1-2659
You may have already seen that the penises of statues from ancient Greece are particularly small. But then why? The answer right away!
Their bodies are slender, muscular almost everywhere from head to toe, the curves are perfect but the heroes represented on the Greek statues are adorned with very small penises. However, this particularity is not particularly representative of male anatomy in general.
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?So where does this rule come from, where does this mystery take its source?
Proof of wisdom!
Why did the Greeks systematically reduce the sexes of those they represented? No, nothing to do with virility or a way of saying “it’s not size that matters”.
In reality, it was more a question of values and virtue, a way of representing them simply: on the statues, this small penis shows that the warrior, the athlete or the god is thoughtful and above all that he does not not give in to his sexual urges. He precisely controls them and is not led by his desires.
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A penis at rest and of reduced size is an easily visible sign that the wearer controls his emotions, that he is a man, a real one: civilized, rational, generally kind and rather controlled by his intelligence and wisdom, a man capable of investing in the City.
Big penises weren't exactly flattering
It is the opposite for lustful or decadent characters like satyrs, animal creatures, barbarians, slaves… In short, those who are not civilized and who are governed by madness and lust. These, these examples that should definitely not be followed, are represented with enormous or even disproportionate penises, most of the time erect.
It is this thought that we find in Aristophanes, in the 5th century BC in The Clouds:
"If you do what I tell you and if you apply your intelligence to it, you will always have a fat chest, a fair complexion, broad shoulders, a short tongue, fleshy buttocks, a small penis. But if you get attached to those of the day, you will immediately have a pale complexion, small shoulders, tight chest, long tongue, small buttocks, strong parts, endless decrees."
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In addition to a particular reflection on the size of the penis, we also observe that the masculine ideal was a healthy body, capable of developing fat and building muscle in the most suitable places. However, it was better to keep quiet about morning erections, which were already well known at the time.
The rule survived after the Greeks
And this ideal of the smaller sex will survive the Greeks because fashion and virtues are only an eternal beginning over the centuries. Very quickly, we found this tendency of the small sex among the Romans before it disappeared for some time, giving way to the exacerbated modesty of the beginnings of Christianity.
But the Renaissance revived the ancient arts and especially fell in love with the era of Antiquity. Nudity and fleshy bodies are brought back into fashion and the small penis is making a comeback. This renewed love for Greek art was here to stay: it is difficult to miss Michelangelo's famous David and we find naked statues even in the gardens of Versailles, which nevertheless saw the light of day when the Renaissance was already finished.

So for the Greeks yes, it was size that counted, but above all that of the mind. The small penis as proof of an enlightened mind? Definitely a good point to make.

Source: websites