Babylonian universe
Babylonian universe 1-696
We note that the universe in Babylonian mythology developed in four forms
1. The cosmic universe: It is the universe that was composed of water only, specifically salt water, which was represented by the Babylonian gods Tiamat, when there was no one else but her, and she was in a state of eternal rest and sleep..
2. The tripartite water universe: Tiamat moved and produced from her body the god Apsu, the god of fresh water, who was like her husband. Then Hammu appeared, who is the god of fog that hung over the salt and fresh waters, and he was like their son or guardian.
3. The primitive universe: It is the universe that emerged from the mating of Apsu and Tiamat, where the god Lakhmu and the goddess Lakhmu appeared, and they are the first clay gods, male and female, who married and from them emerged Inshar and Kishar, who are the upper and lower circles of the universe.
4. The ancient universe: It is the universe consisting of the sky and the earth. Inshar and Kishar gave birth to two sons: the sky god Anu and the earth god Ki. From them was born the god Ea, the water god, who becomes the master of his fathers. He kills his grandfather, the apsu, and buries him in the depths, so he is a symbol of the groundwater inside the earth. As for Hamu, It is restricted and is a symbol of clouds and fog near the surface of the earth. It seems that the sky and the earth were not separate.
5. The new universe: which is shaped by the god Marduk.
((The Babylonian universe))
Babylonian universe 1---629
It is the universe that was created in its final form by the god Marduk, the chief of the gods, who defeated the ancient gods and created the universe from the body of the goddess Tiamat, so he split her body into two halves and blew air into the first half:
1. He raised it to the top, roofed the heavens with it, and marked the boundaries of these heavens. He placed guards and authorized them to prevent their waters from escaping. Then he crossed the heavens, searched their locations, and placed therein the dwelling place of the god Ea, the god of water, and his father. Then he founded the temple of Ishara.
In the sky in the image of the god Apsu.
2- He established the heavenly paths for (Anu, Enlil, and Ea), then he revealed the stars and their images, determined the year, delineated the seasons, and placed three stars for each of the twelve months.
3- He established the Pole Star Station to determine the connections between the stars so that none of them would commit a mistake or negligence.
4- He placed the Enlil and Ea stations next to the Pole Star.
5- He opened doors on both sides of the sky and placed strong bars on the left and right
6- In the heart of Tiamat, he placed the heights of the sky, illuminated the moon, placed it in the night, appointed it to be the jewel of the night, made the calendar of the month from it, and organized the calendar of days and weeks with it.
7- Determine the path of the sun and entrust the god Shamash to count the days (days) and separate the borders of the day from the borders of the night.
8- He collected Tiamat’s saliva and created snow and ice from it
9- He condensed the clouds and watered the earth from them, and appointed for himself, and gave his hand the power to send the winds and rain, and cause hail, and smoke the fog, and spread the saliva of Tiamat.
10- He cut off Tiamat’s head, gathered a mountain on top of it, opened springs in it, and living water flowed from them.
11-From the eyes of Tiamat, he opened the Euphrates and the Tigris, blocked their nostrils, and preserved them for floods.
12- On Tiamat’s chest, he piled up distant mountains, pierced streams of water in them so that springs could flow, twisted her tail, and tied a large lace.
13- He placed Apso under her feet
14-Arrange its buttocks and establish the heavens
15- He spread out the lower half of it and made it flat ground. He poured dirt inside Tiamat and spread his nets around it.
16- After He constructed the heavens and the earth, He tied their bands so that they might be tightly woven together.
These are the steps for creating the new universe by Marduk, and it is a precise mythological picture to which something was later added to complete it..
Source: Astronomy. Khazaal Al Majidi.
((Iraqi Mythology))

Source: websites