!Exciting information and amazing facts that you may not have known about books
!Exciting information and amazing facts that you may not have known about books 2----30
It is known that most people enjoy relaxing with a good book, whether sitting on a comfortable sofa in front of the fireplace fire that dances to spread warmth in a cold room, or lying on a comfortable bed with a side lamp next to you, the illumination of which allows you to imagine the events of the story. She lives with her heroes, their stories and details. Where books give you a golden opportunity to move away from the real world with its buzzing and roaring, and to join a magical, ethereal world, you slip into its atmosphere and dissolve in its details and are taken in by the events of its contexts.. And since many people share the love of books; We at “Sayidaty” have decided to share with you a more in-depth look at books, through exciting information and amazing facts that you did not know about books (from lavanguardia.com), which you can share and enjoy with your book -loving friends!
!Exciting information and amazing facts that you may not have known about books 2-----50
There are about 130 million books published; If you are curious about how many books have been published to date; Although it is impossible to reach an accurate and specific number, according to Google; About 130 million books have been published!
Ernest Hemingway hated the cover of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby, and he wrote about it in his 1964 memoir. Surprisingly, Fitzgerald told him, "You can't judge a book by its cover."
The title of the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is due to the temperature at which book pages burn , and the novel tells the story of a firefighter who burns banned books; Because it is a cause of strife and suffering in Western civilization, which is enslaved by the media.
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Until his death in 2014, Gabriel García Márquez always refused to allow his book One Hundred Years of Solitude to be made into a film, and disavowed any audiovisual adaptation of his masterpiece. According to the writer; He was afraid that they would choose someone like Robert Redford to be the hero of the novel . However; After his death, his two sons, Gonzalo and Rodrigo, collaborated with Netflix to produce a film based on the story.
How to Kill a Mockingbird is the first and only novel by Nelly Harper Lee, which won the Pulitzer Prize and spent 88 weeks at number one on the bestseller lists.
The longest book in the world is: “Memories of the Past”, containing more than 1,200,000 words. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, “Memories of the Past” is the longest book in the world. It contains 3,031 pages, 9,609,000 characters, including spaces. It was written by Marcel Proust from France in 1912, and published between 1913 and 1927. The novel In Search of Lost Time (original title À la recherche du temps perdu) is based on three stories about love and jealousy. From the Parisian upper class, it is divided into seven parts, three of which were issued posthumously.
The first novel written was The Story of Genji by Japanese writer Murasaki Chibko in 1008, while the first story ever written was The Epic of Gilgamesh; The story was written in 2100 BC in cuneiform script, which is one of the oldest forms of writing.
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The most expensive book in the world is “The Leicester Manuscript” by Leonardo da Vinci. The Codex Leicester is the most expensive book in the world, and was sold for $30.8 million in 1994. The lucky buyer was Bill Gates.
The largest book collection consists of 1.5 million books! According to the Guinness Book of World Records; The largest collection of privately owned books, numbering 1.5 million books, is owned by John Q. Benham, who lives in Indiana, USA, and he keeps them in many different places; Because he does not have enough space in his house; He places it in the garage, in the two-story building, and even outside!
If you read 20 minutes a day, you will have read 1.8 million words a year, and all it takes is 20 minutes a day. Then you will be like a human dictionary! You can read books in many different ways, including e-books and audiobooks!
The library with the largest number of printed copies is in Washington. The Library of Congress in Washington (USA) contains about 24 million paper books. This makes it the institution with the largest number of volumes on our planet.
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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was the first work written on a typewriter, and the author himself, Mark Twain (the pseudonym of the American Samuel Clemens), confirmed in a letter that Tom Sawyer was the first copy in history to be written on a typewriter, specifically the Remington 2. It was published in 1876, and sold Of which 24,000 copies were issued in the same year.
The first "electronic book" in history dates back to 1949, and was Spanish. Angela Ruiz Robles, of Leon, created the first prototype of what we know today as an electronic book in the mid-20th century. This teacher patented the Mechanical Encyclopedia, a textbook for her students that ran on a pneumatic mechanical system, to which different rollers could be added corresponding to different topics.
More than a million books were destroyed in the Baghdad National Library fire; In April 2003, during the Iraq War, fire destroyed the Baghdad National Library; Which led to the burning of more than a million books. This is considered one of the worst cultural disasters in human history.
The smallest book in the world is less than 1 mm in size, and it is titled: Flowers of the Four Seasons, and it is only 0.75 mm in size. Published by the Japanese company Toppan Printing in 2012, it can only be read with a magnifying glass. Its 22 pages display pictures of Japanese botany, such as cherry or plum trees, and the names of each tree in the different Japanese alphabet.
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Brazilian Ryuki Inoue, of Japanese descent, is the author with the largest number of books written; He has written more than 1,000 works, can finish a book a day, and writes in all genres, with a preference for thrillers, spy novels, and weird movies. Regarding romances, Eno confirms that he can finish up to three in the same day.

Source: websites