Sallust War of Jugurtha
Sallust War of Jugurtha 1-2938
. — From his youth, Jugurtha, strong, handsome, above all gifted with a vigorous intelligence, did not allow himself to be corrupted by luxury and effeminacy, but, following the Numidian habit, he rode on horseback, threw the arrow, fought at the race with young people of his age, and, prevailing over all, nevertheless remained dear to them all; he spent almost all his time hunting, the first, or among the first, to kill the lion and other wild beasts, acting more than the others, speaking little about himself. All these merits initially brought joy to Micipsa, who intended to benefit, for the glory of his reign, from the courage of Jugurtha.
But he quickly understood that he himself was an old man, that his children were small and that this adolescent was gaining strength every day, while troubled by these facts, he was spinning a thousand thoughts in his mind. He thought with horror that human nature is eager for authority and very inclined to realize its desires; that his age and that of his sons offered a great opportunity, which the hope of success would have made even an ordinary man seize; he meditated on the strong sympathy of the Numidians for Jugurtha and said to himself that, by having such a man massacred through treachery, he risked an uprising or a war.

extract from one of Salluste's stories about Jugurta =Yugariten in Tamazight!!!

Source: websites